2- Wakey wakey

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Jungkook woke up to a cluster of noises. He rubbed his eyes and looked around his room, finding Taehyung with a shirt and boxers on.

Jungkook asked. When he did, Taehyung and Jin turned to look at him. Jin was in the hallways, rushing about.  "What's going on?" "We all woke up late."

Taehyung replies, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. Jungkook jumped up and rushed to the laundry. "Be careful Jungkook!" 

Jin hollered after he nearly had a collision with Jungkook.
"I'm driving you to school, ok? Someone wake Namjoon up please!"
Jin said again, so they'd all hear. Jungkook quickly took a bath, freshening up. He threw on his uniform, rushing down the halls once more. He grabbed his bag, remembering his homework. Often when Jungkook was about to perform or get his makeup done, he'd have a tutor to make up for classes he misses or subjects he struggles on.

 Jin motioned Jungkook to enter the car. Jungkook turned back around, facing the dorms. Jimin waved frantically, while Taehyung waved his pants at them. Once Jin and Jimin noticed, Jimin started to playfully scold him to put his pants on. Jungkook fastened his seatbelt, making sure the door was closed.

"I'm sorry I didn't prepare any proper meal for you." Jin apologizes at once, pointing at the seat behind."There should be two slices of plain bread with butter on them, eat that as breakfast. I'll give you money to use to buy food at the cafeteria." Jungkook nodded, shoving a toast in his mouth. 

Jin got them to the school just in time. He pulled out $5 for each of them figuring that would be enough for them to buy from the cafeteria. "I'll be back later, don't goof off and make me wait okay? We've got practice tonight again so try to get your homework done in your free period" he rambled on about then let them go so the trio wouldn't be late for class. As the car came to a halt, the maknaes hopped out, waving bye to their hyung.
"Bye, Jungkook!" Taehyung said, smiling widely.

"Bye!" Jungkook replied, waving to both of them. They waved back, walking farther and farther away. Jungkook felt lucky that he was with his hyungs at the same school for now. Though it did suck that he was in the grade below so he didn't really see them throughout the day anyways. He barely knew anyone and felt alone. He walked into his class, shoving his stationery in the desk.

 He took out his schedule, checking if he was in the right class, which he was. Jungkook sat near the back, where he could calmly look out the window. His class was on the second floor so the ground was at a bit of a distance. There wasn't much to look at as there was just a bunch of trees and a walkway that led around the entire school. A few minutes later their teacher walked into the classroom and went to the front of the room. Jungkook looked away from the window to look to the front and listened. The teacher knew Jungkook was listening, so she didn't mind.

School seemed to go on for hours, it really only being seven hours. Taehyung and Jimin had their last class together so they just had to find Jungkook then quickly get to Jin's car so they could change out of their uniforms and get to practice. They rushed out of class, heading to Jungkook's classroom. As they entered, the whole classroom was empty. The teacher sat at the desk, calmly marking papers.

'Ma'am, where's Jeon Jungkook?' Jimin asked, politely. The teacher looked up from her papers, then looked at Jungkook's desk

"His hyung picked him up and left. He was feeling a little ill." She said, before burying her head in her papers again. Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other, making eye contact. Then they rushed out the school doors. They ran to the parking lot, searching for Jin's car. Jin was standing outside, leaning on the door.

"Jin hyung!" Taehyung and Jimin yelled. Jin looked up from his phone, nodding to them.
"What?" Jin asked calmly, unlike Taehyung and Jimin. The duo was covered in sweat.
"Ew, you guys stink." Jin jokes as the two panted. Then, he looked past them."Where's Jungkook?" 

"That's what we wanted to ask," Jimin said, his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "We don't know where he is either." Jimin completed, as Jin looked hurriedly around the parking lot.
"Get in the car now," Jin said, slamming his door open. Jimin and Taehyung slid into the car, their backpacks at their feet. Jin threw his phone at Jimin.
"Call Namjoon." He said as he speeded the car out of the parking lot. Jimin dialed Namjoon's number successfully.

In the middle of class, Jungkook didn't feel well. It was random, as his stomach started to feel weird and he heated up."Ma'am, I don't feel so good." He said, covering his mouth right after.

"Oh dear, go to the nurse's room and call one of your guardians." She said, quickly scribbling on a pass. Jungkook nodded, packing up his bag and leaving. Other students eyed him jealously, making Jungkook feel even worse. He passed by fellow peers in the hall, receiving strange stares from them. Jungkook tried his best not to make eye contact with anyone, but it was hard. It seemed like everywhere he looked, someone was judging him. Soon, he reached the nurse's office. He got in. Once the nurse saw him, she motioned him to a bed. 

"Here's a glass of water and a puke bag. The sink's right there if you need it." She said, handing him a glass of water. He bowed and grabbed a bag, puking in it. Once he had emptied his stomach, feeling a little better. The nurse came back a few seconds later, just as Jungkook was rinsing his hands. 

"Here's the phone. Call someone and go home, you don't look too well." Jungkook nodded, immediately dialing the first number that came into his mind.
'Please pick up, hyung, please pick up.' Jungkook whispered, that thought racing around his head. Suddenly, the ringing stopped signaling someone picked up from the other end.
"Yoongi hyung?'

1057 words
Posted 2-3-2021

Idk if I mentioned but this is a collab with babie_child (also moonseoksss on Twitter) my Twitter is bangtaneditsjk

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