10 - alone time

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Time passed by until it had reached 11.

"Okay guys, let's go," Namjoon said, grabbing his bottle. The rest of them got up after having a sip from their bottles. Jungkook got up before Yoongi, right after the rest left. As they left the room, Yoongi saw Jungkook staring at the ground. He had a feeling Jungkook had something to tell him but wasn't mentally ready. they all hustled into the car, Jin driving them back to the dorm. It was silent the whole way. Jin parked the car, and a few minutes later they were all in the dorm, doing their own night routines. Namjoon brushed his teeth, while Jimin and Taehyung tackled each other on Jimin's bed. Hoseok brushed his teeth after Namjoon and Jin then joined Vmin in tackling each other. Yoongi washed his face once more, before letting Jungkook in the bathroom. Jungkook grabbed his toothbrush, putting mint toothpaste on it then started brushing. He looked up into the big mirror, his reflection glaring back at him. Jungkook finished brushing his teeth and started heading towards his room. As he flopped onto the bed, he felt restless for some reason. He didn't feel tired, but he did feel tired. Maybe he was tired physically but not mentally. He twisted and turned all over the bed, trying to find a good position to sleep in. Finally, he gave up on sleeping. He decided to heat up milk and drink some to help him feel sleepy. He silently slipped out of bed, careful not to awake his hyungs. He got to the kitchen. As he was about to turn on the light, he spotted Yoongi, sitting by the window. Yoongi must have noticed him since he turned his head around. Jungkook gulped, scared Yoongi might tell him to go back to sleep. But Yoongi just turned his head back around and sat nonchalantly. Jungkook poured himself a glass of milk and started to microwave it.

"Come here once it's warmed up," Yoongi said, referring to the milk.

"Okay," Jungkook said, in the softest yet loudest way possible. He took the glass of milk from the microwave and walked to Yoongi. He had his elbow on the wide, strong, wooden windowsill. The windowsill served like a table for the boys. They often placed tiny things on there for decor. Jungkook sat on the opposite side of Yoongi, taking a sip from the milk. He then put the milk down on the sill, looking at Yoongi. Jungkook noticed that Yoongi was staring at something. He looked in the direction Yoongi had his gaze on. He noticed that Yoongi was staring at the moon. The moon shone brightly amongst the stars. It stood out brightly, becoming the most shining wonder in the dark blue night since the sun was down. The stars sparkled beside it, completing the lovely scenery. It reminded Jungkook of him and Yoongi. Jungkook smiled softly at the thought. Yoongi noticed and asked him.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked, tilting his head to the right a little. Yoongi gazed at Jungkook as he replied.

"Oh, nothing much!" Jungkook said, his cheeks flushing a little. Yoongi shook his head, reaching out for Jungkook's cheek. He made Jungkook face him, which made Jungjooks face get even redder. Their eyes made direct contact, the tension between them getting intense.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell, I'm just curious," Yoongi said, not breaking eye contact. Jungkook looked deep into Yoongi's eyes, sensing Yoongi's sympathy and care for him. Jungkook smiled, knowing he can trust Yoongi whole-heartedly. He smiled, chuckling.

"Nothing, the moon and stars reminded me of you and me."

"How?" Yoongi asked, his hand lowering a little.

"You see, the moon reminds me of you. You're someone who's alone and shines brightly. You like being alone too. And I've been often told that my eyes are like the stars, beautiful and shining bright. But deep inside, we know we were missing something, like our other half."

Yoongi nodded, listening carefully to Jungkook's words, finding them poetic.

"Mmm makes sense." He said, smiling softly. He ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"You have a nice way of thinking. One day, you'll become a great composer, I just know it."

Jungkook's face lit up at that statement. He hugged Yoongi tightly, glad to hear those words from his hyung.

"Thank you, hyung."

Yoongi was shocked at first, surprised at the sudden action. He eventually gave in, hugging Jungkook back, rubbing his back. He felt his face soften as he sunk his face into Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook smelled almost like strawberries. Yoongi nuzzled deeper into Jungkook's shoulder deeper, aroused by the scent.

"This doesn't mean you fail school though," Yoongi added, as Jungkook nodded. He wanted to make Yoongi proud so he was going to do his best to do well in school. With Yoongi by his side, anything seemed in reach. Soon, Yoongi drew back, getting up. Jungkook frowned, upset Yoongi pulled away.

"Wait a bit," Yoongi said, walking to his room. He can back with two plushies and a comfy big comforter. He wrapped the blanket around Jungkook, then snuggled in beside him, handing a plushie. Jungkook held the plushie tight, squeezing it. Yoongi did the same, resting himself on Jungkook. Yoongi looked back up to the sky and sighed

"I don't think I'll be sleeping anytime soon. I'm really tired, but I'm not tired."

"Yeah same, well I am tired just...Physically not mentally."

Yoongi nodded agreeing with him. Jungkook could smell a warm, coffee smell from Yoongi, along with a pinch of vanilla. He watched Yoongi reach for the milk and took a sip from it. Yoongi noticed Jungkook's glance.

"You want some?" Yoongi asked, holding it up to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook placed his mouth on the brim of the glass, while Yoongi slowly and steadily poured the milk into Jungkook's mouth, a smile of satisfaction on his face. Jungkook raised up his hand slowly to stop Yoongi from pouring all the glass into his mouth.

"You're a romantic hyung, hyung," Jungkook said, winking at him. Yoongi chuckled.

"It's just my way of showing affection, nothing else," Yoongi said. Or was it something else? Did they have something in between them? Were they boyfriends, or brothers, or just friends? Yoongi froze, thinking about this thought for a while. Jungkook noticed, getting a little concerned.

"Yoongi hyung? Hyung?" He whispered, waving his hand in front of Yoongi's face. Yoongi flinched, blinking a bit.

"Yoongi hyung, are you ok? Are you tired?"

"Not really.." Yoongi said, shaking his head softly. Jungkook looked at his hyung with a gaze of concern.

"It's nothing, really."

Jungkook nodded, not really believing that it was nothing but didn't push him to say anything. Both of them silently stared out of the window at the moon

1165 words

Hello! Sorry, we didn't upload one day, we became a little too busy so we didn't get enough time to write. To make up for it, we'll try publishing the next chapter today or tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and support

Piper and Haru <3

@heyitz_taetae  and @babie_child 

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