28 - back early

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"Ah, yeah?" Yoongi asked, his dream coming to an end at that.

"I think someone is watching us," Jungkook said. He did look actually scared.

"How do you know?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook pointed to the door.

"I heard...noises."

Yoongi got up, slowly reaching over to the bedside table to turn on the lamp

"Noises? What kind?" He questioned as he let out a yawn still feeling tired. It was about 7 a.m in the morning.

"Like a person," Jungkook answered, as he followed Yoongi.

"What time were the noises the loudest?" Yoongi asked.

"Around 2 a.m," Jungkook gulped. "I ended up holding onto your shirt tight and dozing off, and telling you in the morning."

Yoongi ruffled the younger's hair. "It's fine to disturb me when I'm asleep, baby, whenever anything like this happens, 'cause we never know what's actually going on, you know?"

Jungkook nodded, making a note mentally in his mind. Yoongi crept over to the door, peeking to find Hoseok crouching on the ground, now staring up at the two of them like an innocent puppy.

"Hehe, hi," hoseok said, sheepishly.

"What were you doing?" Yoongi asked, confused.

"Well, I came home early, and well I was gonna go to my room but then I heard kissing noises and...yeah," Hoseok explained, his voice trailing off at the end. Yoongi bit his lip, scared of anything else Hoseok was going to say next.

"So you guys are dating?" Hoseok asked, his voice hinted with enthusiasm. Yoongi gulped, surprised at Hoseok's question.

"Well, uh, yeah," Yoongi said, stuttering in between.

"I see," Hoseok said with a smile as he stood up again. He could read the worry on Yoongi's face.

"Don't worry, I support you guys," He said, patting Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi could feel himself breathe after hearing that. He smiled at Hoseok, while Hoseok smiled back at him.

"Anyways, I'll go unpack," Hoseok said.

"We'll cook," Jungkook said, popping up from behind Yoongi.

"Sure, " Hoseok said, nodding as he left.

As he left the two looked at each other for a brief moment, Yoongi letting go a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Jungkook grabbed his hand and rubbed it, reminding him that they were safe. Yoongi nodded in an unnoticeable manner and squeezed his hand in return. He was a bit disappointed. He wasn't ready for anyone to know and knowing Hoseok everyone else would know by the end of the next day. It was a bit sudden and unexpected. Yoongi wanted to know how Jungkook felt, so while they were making waffles, he turned to the younger, ready to open his mouth, but the younger spoke before he could.

"You want to ask me how I feel about Hoseok already knowing about this."

Yoongi closed his mouth at once, ready to hear out Jungkook and let him speak.

"Well, I think it's fine since he supports us. And well, I feel that the others will be fine, as long as we just.. Don't forget our job mainly... Do you know? We're here to be idols, singers, and we shouldn't let our love get in the way."

Yoongi nodded in agreement, seeing Jungkook's point. He understood what he said but there was something that he couldn't exactly point out that bothered him. Though he pushed that thought away for the time being and just focused on getting breakfast made. He finished washing up a few berries, placing them beside the waffle, and taking out a jar of Nutella, Hoseok's favorite. He also made sure to place a banana on Hoseok's plate. Hoseok returned from his room, wearing shorts and a shirt.

"I'll be occupying the bathroom before lunch, is that okay with you two?" Hoseok asked as he'd usually ask. There was no difference in his behavior so far after they told him the two of them were dating. Jungkook worked on getting Yoongi and Hoseok a coffee, and himself banana milk. He placed the drinks then the plates on the table. Before he sat down he washed his hands again at the kitchen sink. Hoseok came out of the bathroom moments later sitting down across from Yoongi. Jungkook came back and sat next to Yoongi, feeling the tension from Yoongi a bit awkward but from Hoseok it felt pretty normal. From under the table, he took Yoongi's hand, giving it a tight squeeze, reassuring him. Yoongi knew there was nothing to worry about. At least, that's what part of him thought. The other part of him felt conflicted by the current situation. It was like a battle inside of him with his brain and heart. He knew that Hoseok was alright with this and he really shouldn't worry. But it did ache somewhere. It was the fact Hoseok knew before they were ready. Or well, to be specific, before he was ready. Even when he was figuring out his sexuality he was scared that he would be outed before he was ready. Now that it had actually happened, it felt worse than he had thought. His chest was heavy the moment Hoseok had walked into the bedroom. It kind of felt like an intrusion of his own privacy, his own personal world with Jungkook. Oh, how he wished he could turn back time, just to make him feel better. Jungkook noticed Yoongi zoning out and decided to talk to him. Jungkook knew, by personal experience, by keeping things in nothing was going to get better.

"Tell me," Jungkook said, once Hoseok had left to his dorm room and the duo were left in the kitchen alone.

"Huh?" Yoongi asked as he was drying the dish.

"Tell me what's bothering you. I'm here for you," He said, hoping these words could open Yoongi's mind, for it to speak to him. Some moments Yoongi hated how easily Jungkook could get him to open up but also at times he was grateful that it was easy to talk to him and not feel heavy.

"Well," Yoongi started, but Jungkook interrupted him.

"Let's get comfy first, then get started."

984 words

posted 4-11-2021

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