21 - breakfast in bed

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The two had fallen asleep, getting a well-deserved good night's rest. They stayed in each other's arms till early morning, Yoongi being the first one awake. He tried to move out the younger's arms as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up the younger. He wanted to let him sleep in a while longer while he cooked them breakfast. Getting to the kitchen, he decided on making chocolate pancakes and bacon. He fetched the ingredients from the fridge and cupboards, humming softly to himself. Every noise he made echoed around him, as the house was silent. Yoongi hoped that none of his movements would stir Jungkook awake, as he wanted to gift the younger with breakfast in bed as a treat. It didn't take too long to get everything together and cooked. He grabbed plates and cups from the upper cabinets and filled a glass with banana milk. He grabbed another glass for himself, filling this one up with iced americano. Yoongi gazed at the plates, containing the food. In his eyes, they looked a little bland, and today he wanted to make it look grand, for his precious boy. On the two plates, he put three mini chocolate pancakes and three pieces of bacon, adding a little butter on the top of the three pancakes. At the side, he put freshly washed strawberries, placing the fork and knife neatly on the plate as well. He smiled with satisfaction, proud of his work. Before carrying the tray to Jungkook, he checked to see if his little bunny was still snoozing on the bed, which he was. Smiling softly, he returned to the kitchen after glancing at Jungkook. He placed the trays on the side table, then sat next to Jungkooks body, looking at how beautiful he was. He smiled and leaned over kissing his soft lips for a few seconds then spoke up.

"Baby, wake up. I made us some breakfast. " Jungkook slowly started to wake up, seeing Yoongi's face. He whined at first not wanting to open his eyes and leave his current state. Yoongi moved the hair out of Jungkooks face.

"Come on. Wake up please," he said again. Jungkook whined again, wanting to sleep more even though he had a lot of sleep. Yoongi sighed. He grabbed Jungkook's shoulder's straightening his back so he could relax onto the head of the bed.

"I'll feed you if you obey me."

Jungkook's eyes flinched open, his eyes glimmering and wide. He looked up at the elder, smiling sweetly, as if to say 'Yes, please. Yoongi chuckled.

"Okay, okay. Sit straight."

Jungkook fixed his posture, getting into a more comfortable form. He stared at Yoongi eagerly once he felt ready. Yoongi sat on the side of the bed until Jungkook grabbed his wrist. Yoongi looked up at Jungkook, confused. Jungkook grinned.

"Sit on my lap."

Yoongi nodded, grinning back at the other, doing as he asked, sitting on his lap. He leaned over to the side table and grabbed the tray, putting it on his lap.

"Say aaaah," Yoongi said, opening his own mouth. Jungkook followed Yoongi's mouth movement. The elder sliced a part of the pancake into a smaller piece to feed his bunny. Jungkook closed his mouth, chewing softly making an "mmm sound as he fully chewed while staring adoringly at his hyung. Yoongi found his stare adorable, seeing his eyes sparkle in the light that came through the bedroom window. He gazed at the younger with caring eyes. Jungkook swallowed up the food Yoongi fed him, now opening his mouth again. Yoongi repeated the action, feeding him more till he was full. Jungkook took the fork from Yoongi's hand then fed him instead, shoving a strawberry into Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi bit into the strawberry, a little shook by the aggressiveness.

"Don't be too aggressive," Yoongi giggled, after finishing the strawberry. Jungkook giggled with him taking a bit of pancake and also putting that into his mouth, slowly pulling out his pointer finger teasingly. Yoongi bit Jungkook's finger slightly, making Jungkook wince. He made sure he didn't bite too harshly, but Jungkook pretended to overreact, probably to see Yoongi's reaction.

"Bad Yoongi Hyung," Jungkook pouted, sucking on his finger. Yoongi smiled kindly at Jungkook, taking the younger's hands into his larger ones, kissing where he bit. Jungkook looked up at Yoongi, loving how he took care of him, even on the simple things. Yoongi looked back at him too, smiling. He leaned forward, kissing Jungkook's forehead softly and gently. Jungkook smiled, loving the amount of affection Yoongi was showering on him. He loved getting lots of attention. As he grew up with the members, since he was just a teen, they always sprinkled him with love and affection so he was used to getting that kind of treatment. It was special when Yoongi did it, however. It felt more pure and romantic, with lovely intentions. He was glad Yoongi was so affectionate and caring towards him. That way he always felt loved. Never has a day gone by without him feeling cared for.

"What would you want to do now?" Yoongi questioned, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook noticed that they had both completed their breakfast. Yoongi cocked his head, raising his eyebrow as Jungkook didn't reply back. He lifted Jungkook's head with a gentle touch under his chin, making eye contact.

"So, what do you want to do, my little prince?"

Jungkook gulped, surprised at seeing Yoongi's flirtatious side. Yoongi rarely brought out this face of his, and this was the first time Jungkook had witnessed it. It worked like a trick; he felt flustered, and he gulped loudly. Yoongi's smirk made the number of butterflies in his stomach grow rapidly, and he could feel his heartbeat racing. He was probably showing how he was feeling visually since Yoongi's smile did grow. Jungkook wasn't used to this type of treatment from this hyung. Yoongi leaned in closer, his breath brushing against Jungkook's ear as he spoke once more.

"So? Answer me."

He commanded, in neither harsh nor gentle way though It sent shivers down Jungkook's spine. Yoongi's breath lingered above his skin, tickling him.

"Hmm? Why aren't you answering, oh dear prince?"

1035 words
Posted 3-20-2021

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