Chapter 26

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Hey everyone! Big chapter ahead! There are a lot of visuals to help you guys imagine their night out!

Happy Reading!! - E❤️

Happy Reading!! - E❤️

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Cecelia POV:

Waking up with a punch to the face was not how I saw my morning starting. Let's just say Gabriela was very, very hungover which made me very happy. Karma's a bitch. This girl had the nerve to push me off the bed as she complained about why the sun was physically in our room. She then continued to bury herself under all our blankets, pushing Tracey off the bed in the process. Obviously being the helpful person that I am, I whipped open the curtains while Tracey ripped the blankets off of Gabriela's body which then followed by murder.

"Gabriela, I swear to God if you are not ready for brunch within the next 2 minutes, we are leaving without you," Tracey said through gritted teeth. I'm pretty sure if she did that any harder, her teeth would fall out.

"Yes mooom," Gabriela sang back from the bathroom.

"You know, I'm surprised she even woke up this morning," Amelia claimed while she laid across our bed while scrolling through her phone.

"Please, if anything she deserves all the puking that followed. This bitch had the audacity to push both Ce and I out of the bed this morning," Tracey huffed while applying the last bit of lip gloss. I could tell Amelia found this very amusing because of the loud snort that came from her.

"Okay, bitches. Let's go get some mimosa's," Gabriela proudly spoke as she tucked her sweater into the front of her black sweatpants.

"Um, No drinks for you until tonight," I spoke with my fake mom voice. Tracey and Amelia giggled following me out the door into the hallway.

"Y'all are no fun," Gabriela mumbled, folding her arms across her chest like a child.

"We love you too, Gabs," I laughed, looping my arm around her neck dragging her into the elevator.

After a big brunch we headed to the mall, grabbing the last minute essentials before tonight. So far everyone found an outfit except for me. Tracey settled for this cute baby blue spaghetti dress, Gabriela bought this cute off the shoulder, white mesh long sleeved dress that hugged her body to perfection. Amelia already had an outfit picked out so she was just getting some cute boots to go with it.

I was also nervous because I wanted to tell them what was going on. I wanted to tell them that I was going to finally reach out to Harry after all these months. Their opinion means the world to me, which is why I was so nervous about telling them. Having known Amelia for a couple weeks, I still trust her like a sister.

We ended up at this boutique near the hotel which had walls and walls of beautiful dresses to choose from. Me being me, couldn't find one thing that stood out. Everyone picked out one or two dresses for me to try on. I was finally on the last dress which happened to look similar to Gabriela's except this was a black mesh dress, with long sleeves that started at the shoulder.

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