Chapter 23

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Hey everyone... I know it's been a while. Exam season is approaching! I'll try and update in the next two weeks!



Two weeks flew by incredibly fast. Quite literally in the blink of an eye. Here I was at 1 a.m., packing my toiletries bag for Niall's tour which starts in two days. He'll be here in 5 hours to pick me up for our 7am flight. He wasn't kidding when he said I would be driving around everywhere with him.

The LA weather was still surprisingly warm considering we were in the middle of November. I was still getting my coffee from the Beachwood Cafe in shorts and a tank top... and luckily not running into Harry.

It's hard. It's been over a month since I moved out. I haven't heard from him. He hasn't called. I haven't either. I was about to call him, but talked myself out of it. With the tour starting, I couldn't help but think that this was supposed to be me and Harry. Love on Tour was supposed to be our journey. The crying had stopped. There were some nights that were just unbearable. I just got used to it, I guess.

Sarah and Mitch stopped by last night to wish me luck. I didn't ask about Harry which was good because it didn't look like they wanted to talk about him. Mitch gave me a big hug. He told me to keep in touch with him and Sarah. Of course me being me, cried like a little bitch. Mitch had become the big brother I've always wanted.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone vibrating, "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Lia, how's the packing going?" dad asked.

"Hi dad! Packing is going well, just finishing the last couple of things," I smiled as I zipped up my last bag, setting it by the front door.

"Isn't Niall picking up at 5am, why are you still awake?" he asked, in his biggest fatherly voice.

I chuckled, shaking my head, "I just finished dad. I'm heading to bed now."

"That's good," he breathed out a laugh, "I wish you the best darling. You have earned all of this. I know your mother would have been so proud of you. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks dad," I sadly smiled as I got under the covers.

"Have.. have you called him?" dad asked hesitantly.

"No," I sighed, "Sarah and Mitch didn't say anything about him last night. If we were gonna work things out, it'll need to be either one of us coming forward," I softly explain.

"You take however long you need, Lia. I hope you're taking care of yourself properly."

"Of course, dad," I smiled knowing he's probably worrying about me more than usual, "I'm gonna head to bed now dad."

"Okay Lia. Have an amazing tour. Call me if you need anything, okay? Goodnight. I love you," dad said.

"Of course dad. Goodnight, love you too," I said before hanging up.



I woke up, startled, after my phone rang very loudly almost giving me a heart attack. Half asleep I swiped on my phone, throwing myself back into my warm pillows.

"Cecelia?" a muffled voice came from my desk.

"What the fuck?" I asked half asleep.

"Uh Cecelia?" the voice came again. I turned around only to see I had answered a phone call.

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