Chapter 27

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I woke up to a sliver of sun streaming through the hotel curtains making me squint. Rustling from the other side of the hotel room catches my attention. I lean back on my elbows, looking around with my eyes still barely opened. Tracey's back is me as I watch her pack her heels from last night into her suitcase.

"Morning," I croak, sitting up in bed, stretching my legs out.

A startled Tracey turns around with her hand over her heart, "Jesus Cecelia, you scared the shit out of me," she breathes out.

I chuckle, rolling off the bed, leaving a knocked out Gabriela tucked in and walk towards Tracey. I take a seat across from her at the table by the window.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked, taking in her well put together outfit and the light layer of makeup she has on.

"Maybe an hour ago? I couldn't sleep any longer. Besides, I still had to pack my stuff from last night," she smiled sitting across from me, "Coffee?"

"God, yes," I sigh in relief, that's definitely the one thing I need right now besides a big dose of aspirin for this horrible hangover.

"So how are you feeling?" Tracey asks, handing me my coffee.

"Honestly?" I ask, "A bit shaken up, but I'm a lot calmer than I thought I would be," I admit, taking a long sip of the coffee.

"What happened last night, Ce? All I faintly remember is Amelia pointing to you at the bar with some guy. Niall told Johnny and Kyle to take us back here before we could even see anything."

I took a deep breath in before telling her everything from last night. She was beyond pissed but very grateful when I told her that Niall was literally my knight in a white button up.

"I'm sorry I didn't go with you to the bar Cecelia," Tracey sadly smiles.

I reach out grabbing her hand, squeezing it reassurance, "Oh my god! No Tracey. Please don't apologize. I'm sure if you came with me, it would've happened anyways."

I think I may have spoken a bit too loud because a loud groan came from the heap of blankets that covered Gabriela, "Can you two stop fucking yelling? You're literally bursting my eardrums," she mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, gulping the rest of my coffee down. Tracey chuckled walking over to the curtains and pulling them across causing Gabriela to hiss like a cat and bury herself further into the blankets.

"Wake up you, alcoholic. You have a plane to catch in a couple of hours," I grin before jumping on top of her.

"CECELIA!" Gabriela yelped before erupting into laughter as I tickled her, "If you don't stop I'm going to puke all over you," she yelled in between her fits of laughter. Tracey was just shaking her head at the two of us.

I'm going to miss these girls so much...

"Alright, alright," I laugh, rolling off of her, "You better be out of bed by the time I'm done in the shower or else you're getting a bucket full of cold water poured on you," I tell her in my best mom voice. I'm assuming it worked because her hand slowly wiggled it's way to light, flipping me off before disappearing into the blankets again.

Gabriela managed to finally get up. Watching her trudge into the washroom and scream from the cold water in the shower was quite the show. I managed to fill her in about last night's events. A colourful string of curse words fell out of her mouth while also making a couple statements like wanting to cut off that guy's dick and shove it up his asshole while he chokes on a broken glass and also wanting to kiss the floor Niall walks on.

Let's just say I'm glad she's getting it out now before she goes through security at the airport.

I also made sure to tell them that I'd be calling Harry when Niall and I landed in Australia tomorrow. I needed the flight there to think about what I wanted to talk to him about. Create all the worst and best case scenarios and hope for the best.

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