Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sun streaming in through my curtainless windows. Not like I'm going to need curtains anyways, I thought to myself while shielding my eyes. I throw my pillow onto my head and groan remembering the events of last night. I picked my phone up and noticed several texts from Gabriela and Tracey. Shit, I have to tell them what's going on.

To: the brownie gals

Cecelia: hey guys... i really need to talk to you. Call in 20?

Gabriela: hey bubs what's wrong? Sure i'm free in 20. :p

Tracey: hey girly. I'll be waiting for your call. :)

Cecelia: thanks guys <3

I get out of bed, head to the washroom and brush my teeth. My mind wanders to what my day would have been like tomorrow, starting my internship.

Wait a minute.

I stopped brushing realizing I still had that envelope from Sony telling me who I would have been touring with. Quickly finishing up in the washroom, I throw my hair up in a bun choosing a pair of jean shorts and a blue knitted crop top and my vans. Not forgetting my strawberry lipstick, I grab my handbag, laptop, the unopened envelope from the kitchen and head out to the Beachwood Cafe.

Might as well look somewhat decent even if I feel like shit.

When I arrived I headed to my usual spot, which is by the window past the counter

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When I arrived I headed to my usual spot, which is by the window past the counter. I put my bag down and headed to the counter. As soon as I approach the counter, Sandy immediately senses something is wrong.

"Uh oh, what happened?" she asks tilting her head in a sympathetic way.

"Uhh how did you know?" I responded freaked out by her assumption.

She lets out a breathy laugh, "Well first of all, you're not wearing makeup. You've been wearing makeup since the day I've met you. You also mentioned that whenever you're upset you never wear makeup because you didn't want to mess up $200 with tears," she states.

When she finished, I could feel the tears surface proving her right. "Oh sweetie, I didn't mean to make you cry," she said as she walked out from behind the counter giving me a hug.

"I lost my internship and now I'm homeless Sands," I mumble into her shoulder.

She pulls away with widened eyes, "WHAT?!" she exclaims. "How the hell did that happen?" she questions as she goes back behind the counter. I give her a quick rundown of my situation as I lean up against the counter. I looked around and noticed that the cafe was basically empty aside from three seniors.

"Why's it so slow today? Also, could you please warm up a croissant," I ask her, while pulling out my wallet.

"Sure thing. The folks around here tend to use this morning to sleep in. That's why it's kind of dead at 9am" she states getting my order ready. "What are you gonna do?"

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