Chapter 2

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The collage above is Cecelia's Day in LA just to give you guys an idea of where she went!


I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring forcing me to open my eyes. I look over to my right and squint as the bright light of my phone shows me the time.

7:50 a.m.

Great, I think to myself as I begrudgingly roll out of bed and walk to my bathroom.

I've been standing by the sink for the past 15 minutes debating on whether or not to shave my legs. I look out to my bed and examine the outfit I laid out and sigh.

What if I meet a cute boy? Pfft as if that's going to happen, you toad.

I give in and shave these hairy twigs. Might as well get a nice tan out of this day. I grab my makeup bag from my suitcase and apply some light foundation and concealer to cover up the massive bags under my eyes. I add some mascara and pluck the caterpillars that have taken residency on my forehead.

As I reached into my bag for my favourite strawberry lipstick, I couldn't help but think of the person who gave it to me.

My mom was such a wonderful person. She was the light of the party, always with a guitar and a drink in her hand. My mom was the one who taught me how to play the guitar. She was always there for me whenever I doubted myself. She loved all types of music which is why she encouraged me to take this internship. I remember sitting at the computer when I was submitting my application.


"Hey doll, what's wrong?" she asked me, crouching down wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Hey mom, I'm just really nervous to submit my application. I don't think I'm going to get in. There are people who are better and much more deserving of this internship," I say looking at her as my eyes filled up with tears.

"My sweet Rose girl," she said as she turned me around making me stand up. "You listen to me now. I have seen you work day and night for the past 5 years. You may have thought I couldn't hear you coming downstairs late at night to work on your school work but I did. Your father and I are so proud of you. We came to this country only to see you thrive and you have done more than that. You have exceeded our wishes for you and we couldn't be happier."

"Thanks mom," I say sheepishly, wiping away my tears as she pulls me into a hug.

"It would be a coincidence when all of this works out ya know. Your father's and my hard work in raising you would have paid off watching you be so successful. Remember what I've always told you about coincidences," She says into my hair and she gives me a kiss on my head.


"Coincidences just mean you're on the right path," I whisper to myself as I stare at the lipstick.

I shook off the tears that were starting to form as I applied my strawberry lipstick. I smack my lips, grabbing my sunglasses and purse. Before I head out, I look at myself in the mirror, taking a quick picture for the gram.

 Before I head out, I look at myself in the mirror, taking a quick picture for the gram

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