Chapter 19

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update. University classes started a couple weeks ago so things have been really busy. I'm gonna try my best to update every 1-2 weeks for you guys! I'm so glad that you guys are still reading my book. It makes me sooooo happy!!!


I woke up earlier than usual and once again tangled up in Harry's arms. The blue skies of California that once brought me so much happiness, now bring me nothing but misery. I quietly roll out of bed, but not before giving Harry one more glance at his peaceful, sleeping face.

What an angel...

After freshening up, I headed downstairs to the cold kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. Sipping on the coffee did nothing but help fuel the numerous questions I prepared to ask Laura. I needed to maintain a positive attitude for Harry. If he can be positive, why can't I? Maybe that email was just a mistake...

Heading out to the poolside, I pulled a chair aside and took a seat in the warm weather as I pressed Laura's number. After a long couple of seconds, she finally answers.


"Hi! Laura? It's Cecelia Lovett, one of your interns," I ask, the wavering of my voice very evident as I greet her.

"Oh... hi. What can I help you with?" Laura responds. The tone in her voice already tells me this conversation is going to be bad.

"Um, well... I just wanted to go over an email you sent me actually," I tell her as the nerves start to creep up.

"Uh sure?" she unenthusiastically replies.

"I'm sure it's a mistake but.. uh the email states that my internship has been canceled because of some accusations regarding Harry Styles," I speak up somewhat confidently.

"Oh! That wasn't a mistake. I have decided to cancel your internship because of your romantic and/or sexual relationship with Mr. Styles," Laura says casually.

"Excuse me?! What proof do you have that even proves that I have any relationship with him?" I ask, slightly getting frustrated with the way Laura was answering me.

"Oh don't worry about that, there's enough evidence that I have collected that proves that you currently have a relationship with Harry," she replies in a snarky tone, "If you even took the chance to read the handbook you were given on your first day you would've known that any intern who is involved with an artist at the label is immediately fired. Even if you did have a relationship with him, he would never go for you. I mean, just look at you." Laura spits into the phone leaving me nothing but speechless.

"I-i..." I stutter into the phone not knowing what to say at this point. This was definitely not the way I was planning my morning to go.

"Anyways, I need to deal with bigger problems, like finding a replacement for your job," Laura cuts me off and hangs up the phone before I had the chance to say anything else.

My phone slips out of my hands and falls to the floor as I bury my head in between my knees as the undeniable sobs left my chapped lips. I don't know how long it had been but I soon felt a familiar pair of hands wrap around my shoulders, pulling me into the warm body.

"Hi baby girl, from the looks of it, that call didn't go as planned," Harry mumbled into my hair as he left countless kisses on my head, "I'm so sorry, Rose."

"S-she just a-assumed that w-we were together. S-she didn't e-even give me a c-chance to explain," I sob into Harry's chest.

I felt bad for letting him wake up to the mess I made but I couldn't help the tears that seemed to never end. We were so used to our happy morning routines. Funny how one sentence could ruin all of that. Harry held me close to him for the next hour as he let me release all the crying I had been building up inside of me.

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