Chapter 6

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A/N: Let Me Love You (Acoustic) by Mario is above! I'll let you know when to play it!


The drive to McDonalds was filled with a comfortable silence, both of us tired from the busy day we had just had. I gazed outside the window taking in Los Angeles at night; something I hadn't experienced yet. In the reflection of the window, I could see Harry tapping his fingers against the wheel as he let out the occasional hum to the radio. I turned towards him, leaning my head onto my fist as I observed his facial features as the LA street lights hit the high points of his face.

"You know, if anyone would've asked me where I was going to be a week into living in California, I never would've said that I was driving to McDonalds with Harry Styles, and then driving back to his place apparently that's where I live now," I state letting out an airy laugh. He looks over at me with a warm smile that still somehow manages to shine through the dark night.

"You know if you had asked me what I would've been doing on a Friday night a week ago, I would've never had said that I was getting chicken nuggets with a girl I had only met once, by accident at a cafe, then offering her my place to stay for a couple weeks," he laughed while turning the volume down. I laugh with him, impressed by his quick wit.

As we pull up to the drive through, I lean down reaching for my wallet but I'm stopped by Harry's warm hand. "There's no way you're paying for some chicken nuggets," he claimed.

"You think I'm going to let you pay for chicken nuggets? You just gave me a room in your house for free. Please take it as a thank you, I won't take no for an answer," I argued as I continued to fish out some cash.

He sighed, staring at me with unreadable eyes as he fought the smile that was threatening to appear, "Fine, but only this one time," he mumbled, giving in. A small dance accompanied my mini victory as Harry drove forward shaking his head. His smile creeps into a grin as he looks forward to the fun quarantine time ahead .

"Hi there, can I get a pack of 20 nuggets and two medium fries please?" he asks, looking over at me as confirming our order. I nod smiling, feeling the excitement bubbling inside of me.

"Any drinks for today?" the Mcdonalds employee asks.

I open my mouth to tell Harry my drink but shut it fast when he answers for me, "Two medium vanilla iced coffees please, one with extra vanilla." I stare at him in shock not expecting him to order for me.

"How did you know I wanted an iced coffee? Or the fact that I liked mine with extra vanilla?" I asked him, stunned as he drove towards the first window.

He looks over at me with a sheepish grin, "I may have asked Sandy the second time we bumped into each other how you liked your iced coffee," he responds. I smiled at him, slightly blushing at the fact that he had already asked two people about me.

We spent 15 minutes going back and forth on who was paying for dinner again while the McDonalds employee waited patiently, starstruck by who was in their drive-thru. I let out a huff in defeat and folded my arms as Harry grins, taking his own money out and paying for our dinner. My mood completely changes when he hands me the bag of nuggets and fries and pulls out of the drive-thru heading back home. I smile to myself at the thought of his house being my home now.

As he takes the left getting onto the main road, he looks over at me with curiosity clouding his eyes. "Why are you smiling?" he asks.

"Oh, um I'm excited to eat these nuggets," I replied, grateful that he can't see the blush creeping up my neck. "Mind if I put something on?" I ask glancing over at the console.

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