Chapter 15

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I'll let you know when to play the song ;)


My eyes flutter open to the dimly lit theatre room as the ending credits of Bambi begin to play. I could feel a sheer layer of sweat building on my back due the weight being pushed down onto my now hot body. I peered down only to see Harry's arm draped around my waist, hugging my body towards his own as soft snores escaped his soft pink lips. My heart warmed at the sight of him sleeping. He deserved this rest after everything he did for me today. I take my hand and gently push back his hair that had fallen over his face during his sleep.

As I think back to everything that happened this morning, I couldn't help but accept that my feelings for Harry have grown immensely. No one has ever put so much thought into my birthday before besides my parents. I mean, he has to be feeling something similar to my own feelings if he managed to do all of this, right?

After pondering more about my feelings for Harry, I slowly moved his arms over to his side and slipped out from his tight grip. I stood there towering over his sleeping body, I took in his facial features that made me fall for him even more. How his dimples still find their way to stand out even when he's sleeping is beyond me. I take the blanket from the seat over and cover him. I almost screamed from the overload of cuteness when he pulled the blanket around his shoulder, snuggling further into the couch.

I tiptoed out of the theatre room when I realized that it probably looked really creepy that I was watching Harry sleep like a stalker. A huge smile crept onto my face as the sea of purple, red, and pink roses came into view in front of the beautiful LA sunset when I reached the main floor. I take out of my phone and snap a couple of pictures to send to my dad and the girls. I head to the kitchen, making myself a cup of tea and heading towards the balcony past the rose covered piano.

I felt my phone buzz as soon as I set my tea down to the side and answer the call from my dad.

"Happy Birthday Lia darling," my dad wishes me as I pick up my tea.

"Thanks dad, how are you doing?" I asked as I took a sip of my tea.

"I'm doing great, how did your birthday go?" He asks with a suggestive tone causing me to smile.

"Dad it was absolutely amazing," I gush, "Thank you so much for your bracelet, I'm actually wearing it right now," I tell him as I play with the strings of it.

"I'm so happy you like it, Lia. That Harry boy was so persistent that you have a special birthday," he tells me as a faint blush rises up my neck.

"Yeah, he told me. He also mentioned that you two have spoken to each other, what exactly did you talk about?" I ask curiously.

"Ohhh nothing much, just stuff," dad responds casually, clearly avoiding the question.

"Hmm yeah, okay. Just stuff," I tease him as I try and poke around to see if I can get anything else out of him.

"Anyways, did you do anything else today?" He quickly switches topics.

"Um no not really, he cooked me a big breakfast, something similar to what mom used to make for me when I was small, then we just watched some movies," I tell him, taking another sip of my hot tea.

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