Chapter 12

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By the time I reached my room, I was already a nervous wreck. Did that just happen? Did I just sing in front of Harry? What I can't get over is that when I was singing for him, I was not scared. He just made me feel so comfortable and safe. Playing the piano in front of him wasn't nerve wracking... it just felt right. When Harry sat beside me on the piano bench, I almost melted. His legs against mine were so warm and soothing, which I guess gave me the confidence to show him what I did with Falling.

I was brought out of my thoughts with a knock on my door that startled me, "Hey Rose, I'm ready when you are, I'll be in the kitchen," Harry called out, muffled from behind my door.

"I'll be out soon!" I exclaimed as I scurried around my room throwing on a pair of shorts, an oversized t-shirt, and my trusty white converse. Before I head downstairs, I take one last look at my outfit, cute, I smile to myself, grabbing my phone and walking down. Walking into the kitchen, I see Harry sitting on the island, swinging his legs as he scrolled through his phone, similar to what he did in my apartment. 

Even the small things he does is so freakin' adorable...

"You ready to go?" I ask him, as his head pops up from his phone, with a lazy smile and nods at me. Harry hops down, grabbing his backpack and sunglasses.

I meet Harry at the island, pulling on the beak of his orange Free & Easy baseball cap, "That's cute," I smile up at him. I nearly died when the slightest tint appeared on his cheeks, did he just blush?!

 I nearly died when the slightest tint appeared on his cheeks, did he just blush?!

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A/N: I don't why he looks so focused >-<

"Thanks," Harry replied sheepishly, "I packed us some water in case we get thirsty," he tells me over his shoulder as I follow him out the front door and down to the driveway.

"So Harold, where is this trail you've found?" I ask him, rocking on my heels waiting patiently as he locked up the front gate. Harry turns around tucking in the remaining curls into his cap, pointing further up the hill we were already situated on, "Just up, past those houses," he said smiling at me, taking the lead.

We walked side by side in comfortable silence up the hill. Our hands would occasionally brush up against each other, but neither one of us moved away. I let my hair in front of my face shielding my flushed cheeks away from Harry's gaze. After walking quietly for about 20 minutes, we reached the bottom of a rocky hill. I felt my eyes widen as I followed the hill to the top taking in the height.

"Um, are we climbing that?" I ask Harry.

"Yup," he responds cheerfully, "You ready?" he asks, tightening his backpack. I simply nod looking down at my converse knowing that I'll be regretting this later.

It was certainly a struggle for me, unlike Harry, when we climbed up the hill. My stupid converse were not helping either. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead as I reached the second last rock from the top. I stood there letting out an exasperated huff glancing up at an amused Harry who looked like he was enjoying watching me struggle.

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