Chapter 28

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A/N: surprise! ❤️


"Oh my god."

I dropped my phone in my lap in surprise when I heard a loud sob come from Cecelia, "What happened?"

She sat there stiff as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her hand was held to her mouth as her eyes flickered between whatever she had pulled up on her phone, "Cecelia? Hey, what happened?" I asked again, even more worried than before. I set my phone down and walked over to her, pulling her phone out of her trembling hands.

The rage that filled my entire body when my eyes fell on the pictures she was looking at was indescribable. In front of me were pictures of Harry and this blonde girl who looked absolutely drunk of their heads. She was sat across his lap with her tongue down his throat.

The next picture was of them leaving the bar with them holding hands. This blonde chick had a huge smile, almost evil looking, plastered across her face. Harry looked almost pleased with himself.

This piece of shit.

It doesn't matter how you looked at these pictures, they were not good. I quickly got out of twitter, closed her phone, and sat down beside Cecelia pulling her into my arms. Her sobs echoed off the walls, making my heart feel heavy. This girl was like my little sister. I hated seeing her like this.

"Cecelia, I- I don't know what to say," I tried to calm her down as I rubbed my hand up and down her arm in an attempt to calm her down.

She abruptly got up from the bed, hastily wiping away her tears before throwing her hair in a bun, "I should've known better than to think that this would end up working in the first place. I kept telling myself that we would never work. I don't know why I thought that us talking would fix anyth-"

"Come on, Cecelia. You told me yourself that you love him. Maybe this was some sort of misunderstanding?" I stand up walking towards her.

"No Niall. It's very clear to see that h-he's happily moved on," she spits out, wiping away the tears that kept falling, "I was never enough for him. I- I just hope he's happy with her. I hope she makes him smile the way I used to," she gulped before continuing, "I-I hope she loves him the way I did."

"Do, Cecelia. You do love him. And you know he l-"

"Niall, I swear. Don't say it. Please don't," she her voice cracked, "If...if he felt the same way, h-he wouldn't have..." Cecelia trailed off, wrapping her arms around herself with her head hung low.

I immediately walked over and pulled her into a hug. I could feel her sobs in my chest. I had to blink away my own tears that began forming after hearing her cry. "I'm so sorry, Cecelia."

After a few minutes her cries became controlled. She still took in some uneven breaths. Cecelia pulled away, her eyes slightly puffy from the tears that somewhat stopped. "Thank you, Niall. I know you're going to tell me to stop thanking you like before but just take it this time please?"

I simply nodded.

"Also, I'm sorry for getting my tears on your shirt," she weakly smiled.

I chuckled, waving her off, "Please, that's the last thing I'm worried about right now."

"Also, you and the band should head to the beach without me. I think I'm just going to stay inside," Cecelia admitted, avoiding my eyes.

"Of course. I don't think I'll be heading out either. With those pictures out, I'd rather not get bombarded with any more paps," I sigh, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

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