Chapter 8

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A/N: I'll let you guys know when to play the song! Happy reading! 


It's been a little over a week and a half since I've moved in with Harry. My days consisted of swimming, eating, and soaking up the hot LA sun. Harry would pop in occasionally but since of late, he's been really busy with LOVE on tour. He's been drowning in phone calls with Jeff, his tour managers and a bunch of other executive people. I was going to email Laura to see if I could help out since that was supposed to be my job, but I wasn't sure if Harry wanted anyone to know I was living here.

Jeff has come over a couple of times since I've moved in. He's been here for about eight hours today going over the tour details with Harry so I asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner. Harry did some grocery shopping for us during the week and picked up some food.

I was in the middle of cooking the beans when Harry and Jeff came downstairs. Jeff took a seat on one of the stools opposite me while Harry poured three glasses of wine. I felt my face heat up when Harry came around to the back of the island, where I was standing, and began cutting the chicken. I couldn't help but notice Jeff watching us work around the kitchen and the smirk that appeared on his face.

I think Harry told him I was staying here because when he came over, he already knew my name and what I was doing here. He was really kind and understanding with my situation. Like Harry, Jeff felt really bad for me. He even offered to help me find a job when this was over.

"You know, Columbia may have a couple positions if you're interested," Jeff mentioned taking a bite into his chicken.

"Really, Jeff, that's extremely sweet but I'm good," I laugh while taking a sip of my wine.

"Leave her alone Jeff," Harry chuckled, dragging his hand down his face as he shook his head. "Rose still has her job at Sony, everything's just paused at the moment."

"Okay, okay," Jeff replies, throwing up his hands in surrender. "Cecelia, I'll still give you my number if you need anything okay? Harry, send Cecelia my number please," he tells Harry.

"Yes Jeffery, I will," Harry jokes, as he gathers our dishes.

I stop him and take the plates from his hands. "I've got it," I tell him, smiling, as I walk to the kitchen. Just as I reach the sink Harry's phone goes off, "Sorry guys, but I need to take this," he smiles sheepishly as he walks to the balcony.

"He talks about you a lot you know," Jeff says, meeting me at the counter.

"Pardon?" I ask him, not sure if I heard him right.

"He talks a lot about you to the team and I," Jeff reiterates taking a seat by the island.

I let out an uneasy laugh as I feel my heart begin it's usual marathon when anything like this comes up. "Probably only because I..uh live here. I mean w-why else would he talk about me?" I nervously stammer as I put the dishes into the dishwasher.

Jeff shakes his as he downs the rest of his wine. "Yeah, okay," he says sarcastically. "Tell Harry I had to run okay?" Jeff says, hopping off the stool and grabbing his keys. "Remember if you need anything, give me a call or text Cecelia," he smiles, waving as he walks to the door.

"Bye Jeff," I call out as he leaves me alone in the kitchen. I finish cleaning up the counter and the table as I think back to what Jeff said about Harry.

Why would he be talking about me? I mean, there's nothing to talk about, right? What could he be saying?

These questions clouded my mind as I took my last sip of wine. I sent Harry a text letting him know I was tired and going upstairs to bed. I headed towards my balcony and took a deep breath in, my eyes enchanted by the LA's array of lights. I did a double take when I caught a glimpse of my guitar that had been sitting in its case since I arrived in LA. I walk into my room, grabbing my guitar and taking a seat on the balcony floor.

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