Chapter 1

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"Okay everyone, that's it for today. Congrats on finishing your first day at your internship here at Sony Music," Laura DaSilva announced overlooking the six interns who qualified. She's head of the summer interns at Sony Music.

"Isn't this exciting?" a short blonde girl asked me with a giddy smile on her face.

I looked over at her, "Yes! So exciting!" I responded with a smile almost as big as hers. "Are you from around here?"

"Yup I'm about an hour away from Culver City. How about you?" she responded as we walked with the rest of the interns to the big conference room.

"No actually, I just moved here from Toronto 3 days ago. I'm Cecelia, Cecelia Rose Lovett," I tell her hoping to make at least one friend in the few short days I've been in California.

"I'm Natasha Johnston. I wonder what our first task is going to be. Oooo I hope we get to work with someone like John Mayer, Doja Cat or Katy Perry?!?" She whispers with excitement.

"Honestly, I'm fine with whoever I end up with. I've literally waited my whole life for something like this," I say while fidgeting with my white blazer, making sure I don't trip in my heels. Gotta dress to impress they say.

We arrive at the conference room and find a spot at the front

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We arrive at the conference room and find a spot at the front.

"I hope everyone had a great time at orientation. I'm going to be going over your task for your time here at Sony Music. If you have any questions, write them down and send me an email," Laura says, pulling out booklets for everyone. "Take one and pass it down. These booklets contain Sony Music and its subsidiaries rules and regulations. Please take some time over the weekend to go over them as they contain some very important information you all must be aware of."

As I picked up the booklet, I couldn't help but notice that it was literally the size of my face. Flipping to the last page I see the numbers flash before my eyes making me choke on my own spit — 200 pages?! Natasha looks over with widened eyes as she mouths "Are you okay?" I nod letting her know I'm still alive and breathing.

"After lots of planning, Sony Music has decided to try something new this year," Laura says causing everyone to look around the room at each other.

"With 2020 being the year of change and new and exciting adventures, we have decided to go in a different direction; one that hasn't been done before. As part of the new program, we have paired all of you with an artist that is going on tour this summer. Your job is to assist the tour manager with all and any task they may ask of you during the tour. Some jobs you could be performing are arranging day – to – day scheduling for the artist and any other employee who is a part of the tour, making sure that all the artist's needs are met, and much more."

At this very moment, I can feel myself on the verge of bursting out of this very expensive blouse. I take a deep breath in, trying to calm myself.

Cecelia Rose Lovett, you deserve everything coming to you. You have worked your butt off to get here. Stop trying to doubt yourself, loser.

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