Chapter 13

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I sat in Harry's office for a few minutes before loud music startled me, bringing me out of my thoughts. Being the curious person I am, I got up and crept down the stairs to see what was going on. The kitchen was empty but there was music coming out of the stereo. I noticed that the sliding doors to the pool and hot tub were wide open. I slowly make my way outside only to see Harry - shirtless and in his swimming trunks - lying on his towel with his hair up in a cute little bun.

Why is he making this harder than it already is? Ugh...

"Good morning," I call out, causing Harry to sit up. He raised his sunglasses sending me a lazy smile.

"Morning Rose, how are you doing?" He asks, crossing his legs.

"I'm good just wondering what you're doing?" I giggle walking closer to him.

Harry looks around, "Well, it's a beautiful day today. I have no more work to do so I thought I'd spend my free time at the pool," he says as his dimples pop up on his face, "You should join me for a swim."

I let out a sarcastic laugh and started to walk back, "Oh no. I'm good Harold. I think I'll just spend it here, inside the house, which is dry, and you can enjoy the lovely weather," I tell him as I try and avoid being thrown into the pool for the second time.

"Okayyy," he drags out, "Just sit beside me, I won't throw you into the pool, if that's the reason you won't come out," he admits sending me one of those classic Harry smirks.

I shake my head, smiling in defeat, as I grab a towel and take a seat beside Harry. He leans over to his side and hands me some sunscreen and a bowl of cherries.

"You honestly could have said you had cherries and I would've been out here in no time," I joke as I put on the sunscreen he just handed me.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time," he chuckles before sending one of his heart stopping winks.

I let out a shaky breath and lay down on the towel as the shameful thoughts came rushing into my head. We laid down side by side, sitting up occasionally and popping a cherry into our mouths.

"Harry," I called out, sitting crossed legged, facing him.

Harry sits up shielding away the sunlight with one hand, "Yes, Rose?" He chuckles copying the way I sat across him.

"Open up," I giggle as I toss a cherry into his mouth which he caught easily with a grin. I cheered as I sat up on my knees, getting ready for Harry to toss me one.

"Ready?" Harry asked grinning. I nodded eagerly, opening my mouth slightly.

Harry threw the cherry with a lot more force than I did causing the cherry to hit my forehead and bounce off. I gave him a straight face in an attempt to show him how unimpressed I was but failed when he immediately burst out laughing, throwing his head back as he clapped excessively clearly enjoying his joke. When he finally calmed down, wiping away his tears, he apologized.

"I'm s-so sorry, Rose, but that was freakin hilarious," he forced out through fits of laughter, "Okay here, let me try one more time."

"Nope, you lost your chance," I joke, lying stomach first on the towel, resting my head on my arms as I stared up at him. Harry copied my position but instead he held his head up, peeking through his fingers as he looked down at me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Harry smirks, clearly aware of his model status at this moment. I shrugged, taking his advice and reached for my phone, angling it up towards Harry and grabbing a quick photo of him. I roll on my back before looking at the photo. I don't think Harry was expecting me to get his picture because when I turned away from him, he had a stunned look on his face as the tiniest gasp left his inviting lips.

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