✨Chapter 9✨

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As if getting scolded by hongjoong didn't already suck, Searching for San was going to take a bit more time than he expected. No one was even there at this time, Past after-hours people, didn't hesitate to get home. Although to most, working at God's Menu could be extremely fun but tiring. One wouldn't want anything more but to get rest.

Since it was empty, this was going to make looking for a San a pain. He can't even ask others where they saw him run off to. He didn't even feel one drop of sympathy for him. The truth can hurt, it really can. So according to Wooyoung, San needed to suck it up and stop being a little wus about it.

"San!" Wooyoung called out from the kitchen but heard nothing. He released a long sigh and turned He made his way to where all the foods were kept. Looking through the shelves and opening cabinet doors but nothing. He looked in the storage room as well hoping that maybe when he gets there San would be there curled up in a ball crying his eyes out. Suddenly the thought of him doing so was a wonderful sight in his mind.

"San come on I'm Sorry, can you just come out and stop being a baby" Wooyoung called out once again but didn't get a response. He started to walk away When an arm suddenly latched on to his yanking him into the darkroom forcing a light squeal out of him. Before he could even process what happened, he fell right into a medium-sized couch mumbling a few incoherent swears as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Ow, what the fuck" He said and looked up, There was a desk in the small room along with a lamp on top of it, An office? The desk had a stack of papers there but not much. He then turned his head, Noticing Choi San standing there. His left eyebrow risen and his hand on the door, He shut it and twisted the lock.

"Forgetting your priorities already," He said to wooyoung while inching closer and closer to the purple-haired male. "What-"

Wooyoung tried to sit up but was instantly pushed back. his face scrunched up and without any intention, he pouted. "You did not just-"

"Shut the fuck up" San retaliated causing wooyoung to gasp.


"You heard me, Shut the fuck up." Once again the male tried to sit up but failed once san pushed him back this time climbing in between his legs and on top of him.

"Look dude, I just came to apo-"

"I know what you came to do and you wanna know something you didn't sound sincere out there at all."

"Will you-"

"I'm not gonna tell you again, If I don't ask you to speak do not say a thing, I have heard enough from your mouth. Don't you say anything or god knows what the hell ill do" He said and then smirked satisfied at how Wooyoung looked underneath him beautiful he thought to himself as he placed his cold hands under wooyoungs shirt caressing the ever so soft skin causing wooyoung to whimper.

"You had a lot of fun out there hmm.? You liked having your little spotlight didn't you" he said pressing his nails into the milky skin. "I bet you aren't even really sorry."

"I really am-"

"See there you go disobeying me once again," he said and yanked at Wooyoungs skin tight pants, the male didn't fight or stop him. A part of him WANTED the beating he was soon to receive. Quickly San ripped the pants off along with the underwear under it revealing wooyoungs length to the cold air of the room.

"So pretty, so sad that I have to mark such a pretty body up hmm?" Wooyoung had no words, he watched in as if in awe. San analyzed his body well, he pulled wooyoungs shirt right over his head, and now that the male was fully bare in front of him he looked satisfied, not enough though. He clasped a hand around wooyoungs neck gripping it tightly without cutting air circulation.

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