✨Chapter 19✨

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"San!" he called desperately and San slowly turned around, Heart clenching at the sight of a puffy-nosed Wooyoung, with pink tear-stained cheeks, and red swollen lips from the kisses he had just shared with the male just a couple of feet from him. 

He wouldn't dare take another step forward. and even if Wooyoung wanted to move towards San his feet were currently glued to the spot he was in now. His breathing picked up rapidly along with the feeling of chills rushing through his body, This was a new feeling.

Everything in Wooyoung wanted to drag san back to his apartment and hold him tightly so that he wouldn't ever think about walking away from him. He wanted to attempt to explain that he is dumb and oblivious to everything around him, to kiss him and flood with him with apologies and promise to do better. But regardless of what he did, it wasn't his choice right now, San was the one to make the decisions here, and just as it has been since the start.

San is in control

He has always been in control. From the minute they met San was in control, and even when Wooyoung had a choice San's next move determined what happened with them. Something he never saw an issue with until now, Because now San decisions mattered more than ever. He smiled at Wooyoung and the male felt hope for a second, Until San mumbled words he never knew he feared until now.

"Don't worry... You're free from my punishment" Wooyoung let out a choked sob when San took the last steps out of the door and started towards the left. and time froze for a minute. Why did this realization take so long? Why was it that Wooyoung realized he might have been in love with San now? When he is already out the door. Why did San have to walk away from him for him to see that?

How many times will Wooyoung allow himself to ruin the things he has, Whether it be his jobs, friendships, or even the relationship he builds. If he allows himself to live life this way when will he find happiness? It would be naive to ever think that this way of living would lead to a type of glee.

Involuntarily his legs moved forward towards the exit of his apartment, He was going to stop ridding himself of something he wants to have badly. He planned to stop San in his tracks even if it meant taking the nearest bus to San's place. He stepped out and searched frantically just to find that he wasn't far. Just sitting on a bench not far from the door, with his head lowered into his hands and small sniffles emitting from him.

Wooyoung approached with Caution, placing a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jolt slightly and lift his head.

"I know you probably don't want to see me, but please can we talk. please Sannie." He said with a calm, pleading voice, one that San rarely got to hear. He nodded and moved a bit to the side so that Wooyoung could sit.

It was nighttime, the only thing allowing them to be visible was the city lights and the stars. Pretty silent at first, just because no one had the courage to speak up, Cliche of course but perfectly normal given the situation at hand.

"I'm sorry" Wooyoung uttered out first and San looked in surprise"

"For what?"

"For being bratty and blind,"

San paused taking in the features of Wooyoung while contemplating his next response.

"You are a brat aren't you," he says with a small smile regardless of the fact that he was just in tears, Wooyoung shared it before he replied.

"Don't push it" He says but San can hear the playful nature in his voice and even with the turmoil their hearts had just dealt with, San found comfort in the sound of humor that emitted from his voice... "the guy I saw you with, I know its not my business i just..." He placed a hand on top of wooyoung's to silence him.

"My roommate, the one I told you was out for a while.

"And the way you were acting..." San pauses and stares at Wooyoung before doing the unexpected, He stood up in front of the other and took Wooyoungs hands in his own. He kneeled before the younger making Wooyoung eyes widen in size. In a hushed whisper Wooyoung says.

"Stop it San you are going to cause a scene." He says through giggles, but San of course he kept his position.

"I was acting the way, I was because I was afraid you wanted me for nothing more than sex."

"San I-"

"Let me finish baby"  Wooyoung  blushed madly at the name, but nevertheless he let San finish

"I went out with My roommate Yunho so that I could buy a bracelet for you and when you called, I panicked because I was reminded that your reaction to me wanting to be more than whatever this is would be something that would significantly hurt. " He whispered hand moving to his pocket to pull out the box he spoke of, "I really do like you a lot Wooyoung and I want to devote time to learning more about you, So, please...  Would you make this night one hundred times better and Allow me to give you my commitment, as your boyfriend"

God, Wooyoung felt a large weight come off his shoulders, To hear those words were like a long-lasting remedy to the pain he just recently felt. San was firm where he was regardless of the fact that Wooyoung could possibly say no. But instead, he leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on San's forehead and watched when he scrunched his nose cutely at the contact. 

"I would love that san, I would like to be your boyfriend." He says with a huge smile on his face. he was so happy he had to refrain to jump up and down. San smiled back and put the bracelet on Wooyoung's dainty wrist. He stood up pulling Wooyoung up from the bench and wrapped his arms around his waist and lifting him off the ground. Causing them both to fall into a fit of giggles. 

 It's a good feeling of relief when you finally find freedom from something that weighed you down. It's another type of relief when the thing you freed yourself from was yourself. Wooyoung finally allowed himself happiness. Maybe the thing that stopped him was the fact that he knew deep down there was a time when he didn't deserve it. Or even that, he wasn't ready to find it, or even better.

Maybe he wasn't allowing himself happiness because the amazing person in front of him hasn't been with him all of his life. Wooyoung was on his feet now, Staring directly into San's glossy eyes and rosy cheeks from the cool breeze of the night. The inevitable kissed eventually happened initiated by Wooyoung himself and with his heart pounding in his chest San kissed back. 

Against his lips, San whispered. "I can't wait to tell you I love you Wooyoung." and after taking a satisfying breath in Wooyoung replied.

"It's gonna happen soon I can feel it" They stood in that spot for a little bit longer, ignoring the people in the barely populated streets, no one else mattered right now, It was just them and it has been that way for a while.  

But could San possibly be done with his punishment...

~chapter end~

Hello loves! how are you! My story is ending very soon, isn't it? I'm so sad but happy that my babies finally get to be happy. How was this chapter? rollercoaster right?

What could that last part mean? :)

I'll be back soon, I promise I won't make you wait long for the next chapter! 

Love you all!

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