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"I'm going home right now."



"We have been dating for almost 3 years baby. I'm pretty sure it's time."

He pouts, Tugs at San's arm, frowns, and does everything a little bratty boyfriend would but San only watches fondly. Brings his hands down to his waist mumbling a soft "come here woo" and Wooyoung almost melts. Because the moment San brings him close enough, he lowers just to press his lips against Wooyoungs lips.

Wooyoung calmed at the sudden contact. Body loosening and losing tension just from the feeling of San caressing his sides and almost subtly smiling into the kiss. Wooyoung shamelessly needed San's touch, Just to ground him. San felt it in the way he chased his lips when San decided it was time to pull back.

"Look at me,"  San says, well whispers to Wooyoung. It was so soft and calming and his words were careful, not a drop of force in them. His eyes locked onto Wooyoung's because he can see the tears pooling, glossy and wet but Wooyoung still looked as beautiful as he always has. San didn't need an indicator to know that he was absolutely terrified but it was okay to be. This isn't a small step in their relationship. Wooyoung wouldn't look on his own, so San helps with brings one hand up to turn his head in his direction so that their eyes were on each other.

"I'm so nervous, what if they don't like me Sannie."

"They will like you, my love."

"You are just saying that because you like me"

"I love you first of all. And If I love you, they will too and even if they don't, they are going to deal with it. You aren't going anywhere so they will have to like you." He said and presses a kiss on Wooyoung's forehead He raises his hand to lock on the door officially. Yet he waits. Waits for Wooyoung to show that he was okay with going forward. Woooyoung knew. Knew that if he couldn't bear to do this right now San would drive them back home and hold Wooyoung in his arms with his favorite movie playing and a thick blanket to hold the warmth between the two.

But Wooyoung nods and San knocks on the door. When the door opens San's older sister stood there. And the first thing she does is smack San's arm playfully and smile.

"You didn't tell me, your boyfriend was so pretty," She says and Wooyoung feels a slight bit of relief. San turned his head before replying to his sister. Looks at Wooyoung with endless love and appreciation that Sent Wooyoungs heart racing in his chest.

"Yeah he really is isn't he Haneul," Haneul laughs and turns to Wooyoung.

"He hasn't ever been in love like this. I haven't ever visually seen him look at someone the way he looks at you. You are the one. What's your name" She says and bows. Wooyoung does the same before telling her

"Jung Wooyoung"

"Choi Haneul, San's favorite older sister"

"You are my only older sister"

"Don't take the fun out of it" Wooyoung giggles, already starting to feel comfortable in San's childhood home. They went to the living room. Began to have a short conversation about how San's older sister was looking for a candidate for her next photo shoot. The theme being what she said was supposed to be Sexy but Grounding.

San remembers her always choosing the most unique themes.

She went on to say Wooyoung would be a perfect person to feature. That Wooyoung was so stunning and her camera would adore him. With a push of San, he agreed to do it. And San promised to be at every photo shoot to watch him. and When he said that to Wooyoung he couldn't swallow the urge to just kiss him

Punishment : A Woosan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now