✨Chapter 22✨

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They were currently looking through the apartment and to be completely honest Wooyoung absolutely loved it. it was spacious but not too much for two, they could breathe around the apartment and it was so wonderful. this is most definitely what he wanted.

But there was one thing he absolutely disliked. Despised even. The Female currently showing them the house. She was overly giddy around San and a tad bit too touchy as well, and it was pushing him towards rage. She said some things that Wooyoung could have sworn were disrespectful but he would keep his cool. San looked at him with a fond smile.

"Baby do you like it" for a second Wooyoung forgot he was angry while staring up at his starstruck lover because he replied with a soft...

"I love it"

"Even if he doesn't love it, it really does fit you... San was it?" She says attempting at a flirty yet friendly tone while smacking his arm and allowing it to linger

"His name is Mr. Choi" Wooyoung corrected, the lack of formality was revolting but he remained with a forced smile through pursed lips. 

"Right... San Anyways we can take a look at the bedroom next. I think that would be the best part. there's a guest room as well and it's almost just as big."

Wooyoung scoffed turning away just for a second to chuckle. San noticed his distress and was watching his behavior the entire time. he was concerned, so he needs to immediately talk to him just to make sure everything okay, he wouldn't make the mistake of neglecting what looked like an issue.

"Um sure you can go on ahead I just want to speak with my boyfriend here for a second" She nods and Wooyoung doesn't miss the swing in her hips as she walks away in that tight pencil skirt.

San reaches for his waist and gently pulls him closer so that his chest was just centimeters from his own. He takes the time to scan Wooyoungs face,

"Why is my baby grumpy," he says and Wooyoung pouts while allowing his arms to wrap around Sans neck. He just couldn't look away from San.

Not when he looked at Wooyoung with stars in his eyes and with a smile that only those who are deeply lovesick can show. he didn't just love him. He was deeply in love with Wooyoung and he found no shame in showing it.

" I don't like the way she is so touchy with you, it's unsettling and gross"

"Jealous?" At that, he frowns and smacks at Sans chest while simultaneously releasing himself from Sans hold.

Bratty much?

"You are so..." he says attempting to leave San but he quickly grabs his hands and places a kiss against his knuckle and another.

"You have nothing to worry about Woo, she can't have me I'm already stuck with you"

"Stop it," he says attempting to hide his entertained expression but was failing as his boyfriend continued pulling him closer.

"My pretty baby, how am I gonna avoid kissing you when you pout like that," He says and plants a kiss on Wooyoungs lips leaving him a blushing mess. San spoiled Wooyoung with no hesitation. He didn't care what people said Wooyoung deserved the treatment San gave him. And honestly, Wooyoung wouldn't ever object. He loved that San was the only guy to truly love and care for him.

"Don't resist then"

"Your impossible"

"Try again"

"you are irresistible Jung Wooyoung," he says and kisses his lips once again before intertwining fingers and tugging just slightly " let's go take a look at the bedroom right, I wouldn't make love to you in low quality"

"You are an actual dork!!!"

"You love it come on," Sans says and places a firm smack against his ass causing him to jolt at the contact before the two made it to the room. The first thing they noticed was that the woman was sitting on the bed and Wooyoung had almost dropped his previous conversation with San entirely but didn't say anything. She stood up and began to explain the aspects of the room. She explained the bathroom, which was beautiful with a cool white aesthetic to it.  A nicely sized tub for baths and a beautiful shower.

She then moved to the guest room, Slightly smaller but just as beautiful, and with a bathroom across the room. This apartment felt more like a penthouse to Wooyoung but he honestly didn't mind at all. It was perfect for him and San and he was more than happy with living there. He turned to San once again squeezing his hand.

"Sannie I really like it"



"Well, I like it too" The woman rolled her eyes and turned around. What a sour lady she was. It was obvious she wanted San and was truly upset that she couldn't have him. Wooyoung wouldn't mind showing her that, but he knew there was no need to, San knew and that's all that mattered.

"We can finalize things in my office tomorrow and honestly only one of you need to come so...San if you would like to come to my office alone to finalize everything ill schedule something." San nods and holds Wooyoungs hand as they walked out and back into the living room.

"See baby it wasn't that bad"

"Being nice while this lady throws herself at you is tiring."

"I know but if we wanna land this place we have to be nice"

"I know, I know. But now I just want to relax, we have been dealing with a lot whether it's work or finding a place and going back and forth between our places I just want to have us time and not just sex Sannie."

"I'll tell you what"

"Listening..."  San pulls him by his waist for the five hundredth time today, while locking eyes and pressing his lips against his forehead before he spoke.

"We can get dressed"


"I'll take you somewhere real nice tonight"


"Yeah, I'm thinking a nice dinner followed by an eventful night~"

"I like the sound of that"

"I know you do! let' go to my place and take some us time yeah? We can draw a bath or I can give you one of my famous massages" Wooyoung by now was beginning to smile and San would do anything to see his pearly whites.


"I'll even get you a white silk robe we can do some roleplay"


"You can be a prince and I'll be your servant. I'll do whatever you like~" San said and by now Wooyoung was full-blown grinning with giggles to compliment his beautiful features. Happy, just like San wanted.

"I love you"

"I love you more, okay? I only love you there isn't one person that can take me from you so don't you worry your pretty little face. I'll be yours forever. Can you promise me you won't fear losing me to some thirsty female or male?"

"I promise..."

"You promise what?"

"I promise daddy~"

"I meant Sannie, but that's works better" Wooyoung laughs in a high pitch while expressing his embarrassment.

"Come on let's get to my place and stop at yours so that you can grab something nice"


~chapter end~

HELLOOOOO MY LOVES, how is domestic Woosan? Pretty cute right. I think I love writing about them when they are free and happy together... I have so many stories in planning so please stick with me even when this story ends. I love you all lots. See you soon!! 

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