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minho sat there as he watched jisung's facial expression change by the words his mother was saying to him over the phone.

minho knew it couldn't be good. jisungs foot began to bounce against the ground, causing his leg to shake as he sat there being visibly anxious.

minho placed his hand on the boys thigh, trying to get him to relax, but jisung just pushed him off.

"okay mom, i understand. yes... i love you too." and with that jisung hung up the call and stared blankly at the wall in front of him.

"ji, what happened? are you okay?" minho asked, but jisung didn't answer. he just stood up and began throwing things into a suitcase.

"are you going to see your dad?" minho asked, but all he got in return was silence.

"jisung?" he questioned, but still nothing.

"JISUNG!" minho shouted. the boy jumped slightly and slowly turned to face minho with glossy eyes.

"what's going on?" minho asked once again.

"im going to malaysia for a little while." jisung stated and then returned to packing his things.

"is your dad getting worse?" minho asked worriedly, and jisung just nodded yes in response.

minho felt awful. he knew he couldn't help jisung, and he had already missed too much work so he couldn't even go with the boy.

"im going to contact jyp and let them know i'll be working remotely for a few weeks." jisung mumbled, slightly afraid of minhos response.

"weeks?" minho questioned.

"i don't know how much longer my dad has, but i'm not leaving his side." jisung responded, and minho understood. he couldn't be upset with the boy for wanting to see his dying father.

"okay ji, i understand. make sure to call me okay?" minho said and jisung just hummed back to him.

"i leave tonight, my mom already bought my plane ticket." jisung stated.

"okay, so let's spend every second together until you leave." minho said with a smile.

"every second? what if i have to pee?" jisung asked.

"then i'll go in with you."

"no minho!" jisung laughed. that's all minho wanted. he just wanted to see the boy smile again.

"fine, bathroom breaks are the only time we can be apart." minho stated as he had a slight pout on his face.

"you're cute when you're clingy." jisung smiled at the latter.

"you're cuter." minho stated sharply.

"don't get all cringey on me now." jisung teased as he returned to packing his bags.

"seriously though ji, are you okay?" minho asked.

"for now i am. i won't be once i lose him though." jisung sighed, speaking in reference to his father.

"you know it's not your fault right? you've gotten past that, haven't you?" minho questioned, knowing jisung blames himself.

"umm... well i still feel like i'm partially to blame. if he had both his kidneys this wouldn't be happening right now." jisung frowned.

"there's no way to tell that though. what if both his kidneys failed? you never know what could happen. you were so young when it happened too. your father has lived a much longer life now. everyone has to go eventually, unfortunately his is just happening a bit sooner than anyone would like." minho said to comfort jisung.

"i don't know... i think a part of me will always feel guilty... even if i really have nothing to feel guilty for." jisung explained, "he's my father min, and i just can't accept the fact that i'm going to lose him so soon."

"i know jisung, i know." minho brought the boy into his arms as he allowed jisung to cry into his shoulder.

he felt the boy shake like he was hiccuping with each breath and sob that he let out. minho wish he could take away jisungs pain, and make it so jisung felt nothing but happiness always, but he also knew that wasn't possible.

as much as minho tried, there was nothing he could say or do to make this situation any better.

jisungs father was dying. there was no way to stop that sort of pain.

"can we go get ice cream before i leave?" jisung asked after wiping away some remaining tears and sniffling with a pout on his face.

"sure, anything for you kitten." minho said as he kissed the top of jisungs head and smiled as he looked down at the sulking boy, "but for now we need to go back to sleep. it's almost five in the morning, we can still rest for a bit."

"okay, thank you min. i love you." jisung smiled as he nuzzled into minhos chest.

"i love you too." minho responded softly. he could help but have a bad feeling, almost like he was about to lose jisung.

minho knew the death of his father would be hard on jisung, he just didn't know exactly how jisung would respond to that sort of pain.

it overwhelms people, it changes them. he worried how it would change jisung.


oou yeahhhh i updated hehe

this story is close to being finished i think:)

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