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after the boys finally got out of bed and made their way to the kitchen to make some breakfast, they saw the rest of jisung's roommates sitting on the couch... practically waiting for them to come in.

"oh look it's the love birds!" felix cooed as he saw the boys enter the room, confused looks plastered on their faces.

"felix!" changbin hit his boyfriend lightly in the arm causing felix to pout.

"minho is straight." jisung snorted.

"yeah and i'm not in love with changbin!" felix exclaimed.

"then i guess you're not in love with changbin." jisung shrugged, completely losing his appetite, "i'm going to go shower... i'm not hungry anymore."

"wait ji--" minho tried to stop the boy, but jisung paid no mind.

"felix," chan gave him a scolding look, "go talk to jisung."

"what?" felix questioned, the fear rising within him, "i didn't mean anything bad by it..."

"i know you didn't sunshine, but just go speak to him with changbin and i'll speak to minho here, okay?" chan suggested and the other two boys immediately obliged.

"so... you wanted to speak to me?" minho asked once it was just himself and chan left in the room.

"what was last night all about? where did you and jisung go and why were you sleeping in his bed?" chan questioned intensely.

"i took him to one of the practice rooms to work on his dancing skills, then he asked me to stay the night with him since he doesn't like being alone and felix was with changbin." minho explained, hoping that would be enough to get chan off his back.

"you like him." chan stated simply, minho rushed over to throw his hands over chan's mouth.

"what are you crazy? you can't say things like that here!" minho grew worried of who might have heard what chan said.

"am i wrong?" minho stayed silent after hearing chan's question, "i guess i have my answer then."

"he can't know chan... he just can't." minho sighed as he shook his head in defeat.

"he can know, you just have to explain everything to him. your feelings, your parents, the risks... all of it. jisung will understand minho, trust me." chan tried to comfort minho with his words, minho just sat there contemplating all his options.

"fine," minho finally said after a long while of silence, "i'll tell him."


on the other side of the bathroom door, jisung, changbin, and felix all sat squished in the tiny room on the floor. jisung was curled up in a ball, hiding his face from his friends, not wanting to speak of the feelings burning within him.

"jisung," felix said softly, "please talk to us."

"there's nothing to talk about." jisung mumbled.

"i didn't mean to upset you..." felix's voice sounded hurt, which jisung hated. he knew felix wasn't trying to upset him, but jisung couldn't help that his words did effect him.

"i know you didn't," jisung finally lifted his head, "i just... i like minho... i really like him... and it hurts that i have to accept the fact he will never like me."

"pfft." changbin scoffed.

"what?" jisung questioned.

"he is either leading you on or he is secretly gay, my bet is on the fact he is secretly gay." changbin stated.

"i don't know, he says he is straight... but this morning he... he said something a bit questionable." jisung admitted, his friends drawing closer, curious as to what the older boy could have said.

"what did he say?" changbin and felix asked in unison.

"he said that no one is a hundred percent straight... everyone has like a celebrity crush that is the same gender... and then he said i'm just his real life man crush instead of a celebrity crush." jisung explained, the words sounding stupid as they rolled off his tongue.

"wow, master of leading a gay boy on!" felix said as he flailed his arms dramatically.

"or he was trying to hint at the fact he can't explain his feelings for jisung since he always thought he was straight." changbin suggested, the idea making sense to both felix and jisung.

"i don't know guys, can you just leave so i can shower? i just need to think... and be alone." jisung seemed sad and it killed both changbin and felix to see him that way, but they knew the only person who could fix this was minho.

"yeah," changbin sighed.

"feel better jiji." felix said as he kissed the boy on the cheek before exiting the bathroom with changbin.

jisung turned on the shower water, slipping into the warmth to relax himself. in the steamy shower, he felt his mind wander, being relentless in convincing himself he wasn't good enough for minho.

he slowly slid down the shower wall, sitting on the floor as the water poured down his face, mixing with his tears.


i always get scared to start new stories because i have this fear of failure 🙃🙃

but i want to write another minsung story... so how many of you would read???

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