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"is this your dorm room?" jisung asked upon the realization of where they were. 

"yep, it is." minho stated as he grabbed his keys and began to open the door. 

"what are we doing here?" jisung asked. 

"tending to our children." minho said nonchalantly, confusing jisung. 

minho grabbed onto the latter's hand, leading him through the dark dorm room. the boys arrived at another door that minho opened carefully, pulling jisung in quickly. minho flicked on the light and as jisung looked down, he saw three cats surrounding him. 

"KITTIES!" jisung screeched a bit as he knelt down on the floor, allowing the cats to sniff him. 

"that's soonie," minho said pointing at a mainly orange cat, "and that's doongie," this cat was orange and white, "and that's dori." minho pointed to the final cat who was the only one without orange fur. 

"they're so cute!" jisung squealed as he picked up dori, "awe i'm stealing you." 

"no you are not!" minho said as he knelt beside jisung and began petting his cats.

"yes i am." 

"no, i thought you said you wanted to share with me." minho pouted. 

"you changed your mind!" jisung cheered. 

"only because they seem to like you." minho rolled his eyes as he leaned over to place a quick peck to jisung's cheek. 

"what was that for?" jisung gasped as he held his cheek, his face flushing red. 

"for being cute," minho smiled, "come on, we can watch a movie while the cats lay with us." 

"okay," jisung skipped over to minho's bed, laying down beside the boy as he looked over at the tv minho flicked on, "where were your cats last time i came here?" 

"with jeongin and hyunjin, i didn't want you stealing them!" minho claimed. 

"rude." jisung narrowed his eyes at the latter, playfully hitting his arm. 

"i'm kidding," minho said as he then shyly admitted, "it was because i wanted you to only focus on me that day and not get distracted..." 

"i like when you act all mushy, it's cute." jisung admitted as he pecked minho softly on his lips. 

"i'm not mushy." minho claimed, but it was obvious that when it came to jisung he was. 

"with me you are." 

"whatever, i guess you're an exception." minho rolled his eyes, but his cold front was immediately diminished once jisung cuddled into him. 

"why did you bring me here?" jisung asked. 

"honestly?" minho questioned, and jisung just nodded in response, "i brought you here to distract you. are you getting sleepy again my love?" jisung began to yawn as minho posed the question. 

"maybe a little bit..." jisung said softly as he rested his head upon minho's chest. 

"jisung, you know i'm always here for you right? you can talk to me, i want you to be able to open up to me." minho said as he brushed his hands through jisung's hair gently. 

"i-i know... i want to tell you, i-it's just kind of scary." jisung lifted his head up, locking eyes with minho. 

"i know it's scary to open up to others, but i will never ever judge you. please believe me when i tell you that." 

"i-it's about my dad..." jisung said with a shaky voice, "that's what my nightmares are always about." 

"okay... did he hurt you? did something happen?" minho questioned as he sat up in his bed, but continued to hold jisung in his arms. 

"no, no, of course not. my dad is an amazing person," jisung started out, "but he's dying minho." 

"what? jisung... i'm so sorry." minho said as his eyes soften and his worries for jisung continued to grow. 

"it's my fault." jisung muttered with tears forming in his eyes. 

"no, don't say that. you have no control over who lives or dies or when it will happen, this is not your fault jisung." minho grabbed the boys face in his hands forcing him to look into his eyes, "please jisung, tell me you know it's not your fault." 

"but it is minho," jisung removed minho's hands from his face, "when i was really young, my kidneys began to fail... they of course look to family members for transplants and my father happened to be a perfect match. you only need one kidney so he gave me one of his.

and yet now, i cannot return the favor... he has cancer minho. cancer that has spread to his kidneys and now is causing him to have kidney problems... they're not failing yet, but i know it's going to happen soon. i just know it, and it will be all my fault when it does." 

"jisung, regardless of whether he gave you his kidney or not, this is not your fault. you could not have predicted that he would get cancer, just like your parents couldn't have predicted that you would have kidney failure at a young age." minho tried to get through to jisung, but in the end it was no use.

"let's just sleep minho, i'm tired." jisung put his head down, letting out a heavy sigh in the process. 

"okay jisung, i won't push you to speak about it more, but please keep in mind that i am here for you." minho placed a kiss on jisung's forehead before he too laid down to get some sleep. 

"thank you min, i appreciate it." jisung faced away from minho, and began petting soonie as he laid there with tears trickling down his cheeks.

"ji, please don't shut me out." minho's voice was soft, but sounded hurt. 

"i'm sorry." jisung rolled over, burying his face into minho's chest as he allowed the boy to wrap his arms around him. 

"don't apologize, i just want to be able to be  there for you." 

"i know, just sleep please... you need rest." jisung was hardly audible as his lips were practically pressed up against minho. 

"so do you ji..." minho got no response from jisung, he chose to let it go for now, not wanting to push the boy too far. he rubbed jisung's back softly, hoping he would actually get some sleep.


i was thinking about this today so imma share it here

people say certain ships are "dead" 

mainly changlix but not the point... 

i feel like no one has a right to say whether a ship is dead or not and we shouldn't attack people for who they ship. we should just respect all ships because at the end of the day we don't know the truth. 

none of the ships could be real or maybe even the most unexpected ship is real! we have no clue what goes on behind the camera... and honestly if they are dating they're more likely to hide it in front of the camera since it isn't widely accepted 

but also imagine a ship is real that we're all saying that it is "dead" 

if i was a person in that relationship and was scrolling through fan accounts and saw they said mine and my partners relationship was dead id be so sad... but maybe that's just me

all i'm saying is we don't know the truth so we should just respect all ships<3

sorry for this long rant, it just made me sad to see people saying stuff like that

cause even if they aren't dating, they're still band mates, they're still friends... they still have love for one another even if it is plutonic... no ship is "dead"

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