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minho made his way over to jisungs apartment whilst all comfy in his pajamas. he felt a sense of clarity after talking to chan about what he was going to do with his parents.

he couldn't wait to see jisung knowing soon they could officially be together.

as he knocked on the door, he felt a small smile creep into his face.

jisung opened up the door quickly and leaped into minhos arms. he wrapped his legs around minhos waist and his hands interlocked behind the boys neck.

minho spun him around a little to be like a cliche movie before he carried jisung inside.

"kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss..." jisung said over and over again until he got what he wanted.

minho planted a soft and sweet kiss to jisungs lips as they entered the boys room.

"more," jisung pouted as he closed his eyes and got ready to be kissed again.

"more you say?" minho questioned as he closed the door behind them and pressed jisungs back up against the wall.

jisung was thankful minho was holding him in his arms since his legs went weak from the sudden gesture.

"m-more." jisung stuttered out, losing all confidence, but still wanting more.

"as you wish kitten." minho licked his lips as he said this, causing jisung to involuntarily gulp.

"minho..." jisung said softly as the boy got closer.

"yes my love?" minho asked.

"you won't leave me right?" jisung asked, the hurt in his voice being evident.

minho immediately pulled away from the wall and carried jisung over to the bed, placing him down gently.

"my sweet prince, what makes you think i would leave?" minho asked with a concerned expression on his face.

jisung fiddled with his thumbs as he stared down at his lap. minho noticed this and grabbed one of jisungs hands to hold in his own.

"jisung?" minho questioned, the boy looked up and his bottom lip began to quiver.

minho was quick to bring him into his arms, and jisung began letting out soft sobs into minhos chest.

"sungie, what happened?" minho asked, not understanding why the boy was so upset.

"im losing too much right now, i don't want to lose you." jisung admitted as he moved away from minhos chest to look into the boys eyes.

"i will never, ever leave you. i promise jisung." minho said as he cupped jisungs face in his hands and brought the boys lips to meet his own.

"pinky promise?" jisung asked as he held up his tiny pinky.

"pinky promise, kitten." minho smiled as he interlocked his pinky with jisungs. he then kissed the back of his hand and jisung did the same.

"so what is the but?" jisung asked, finally ready to hear it.

"nothing you need to worry about, i already promised you i wouldn't leave." minho said as he brushed his thumb back and forth across jisungs cheek.

"but... i want to know now, please tell me."

"okay..." minho took a deep breath, "but believe me when i say there's no need to worry now."

"i believe you." jisung said as he anxiously awaited for minho to explain.

"my parents run sm entertainment... they could blacklist me from companies if they really wanted to... and last time i tried to tell them i liked guys... it didn't go too well...

but i don't care. this time will be different, this time i have you." minho said sincerely as he placed a soft kiss to jisungs forehead.

"i don't want to be the cause of your issues with your parents..." jisung frowned.

"you're not jisung, they're the problem. love is love, right?"

"you love me?" jisung eyes widened, the words taking him by surprise.

"one day jisung, one day i really could." minho said softly as he placed another kiss onto kiss, this time to his lips.

"promise?" jisung asked with a smile.

"pinky promise my soon to be love." minho said in a slightly cringey way that made jisung giggle.

"you're so cute ji." minho smiled as he attacked the boy with a countless amount of kisses.

"stop... i-i... im... t-tick—ticklish!!" jisung protested, trying to wiggle free of the others grasp.

"then kiss me back!" minho demanded playfully.

"fineeeee!" jisung groaned, but immediately did as the other boy asked.

"i can't wait to fall in love with you." minho smirked.

"i can't wait to fall in love with you too." jisung laid beside minho, his mind being wiped of any worries for the moment. all that mattered was him and minho, and he planned on enjoying it.


there's so much i want to say but i don't have the words to say it 😔

thissss is why i bottle up my emotions

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