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"do we have to go right to sleep?" jisung asked in a whiny voice with a slight pout.

"well, i am pretty tired angel..." minho admitted honestly.

"hmph... okay." jisung huffed as he laid back on his bed and turned away from minho.

"oh come on now ji, don't do this to me." minho said as he lightly nudged the boy.

"sleepy..." jisung mumbled.

"you weren't two seconds ago when you asked that we not go right to sleep." minho stated as he too laid down, wrapping his arms around jisung when doing so.

"mmmm." jisung groaned as he tried to push minho away from him.

"stop it jisung." minho said in a rather annoyed tone, "do you not want me here?"

jisung realized he may have taken things too far and quickly whipped around to face minho. he had puppy dog eyes and a quivering bottom lip.

"jisung, what's wrong?" minho asked as he cupped the boys face.

"i'm not worth it minho." jisung sighed as he leaned into minho's touch.

"why do you keep saying stuff like this? first you ask if i will ever leave you and now you're telling me you're not worth it, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" minho questioned with a concerned look on his face.

"i push people away, i am a lot to handle, i get sad at times... i'm too much...my anxiety, my depression, my family issues... i'm not worth it minho. don't out yourself to your parents because of me." jisung frowned as he went to turn away from minho, but the boy refused to let him.

"jisung look at me," minho said as he gently grabbed jisung's face in his hands, "you are so worth it. you make me so incredibly happy jisung, i've never felt happiness like this... and coming out to my parents has to do a lot with you, but it also has to do with me not wanting to hide away a major part of myself anymore."

"i feel like i pressured you though..." jisung trailed off as he tried not to make eye contact with the latter.

"no, not at all. i know you're worried about whats going to happen, i'm not going to lie to you, i'm worried too... but i will never leave you, i promise you that jisung." minho assured the boy with sincerity.

"i like hearing you say my name." jisung muttered softly.

"that's all you can think about right now?" minho chuckled at the boy before him, adoring every minute he spends with him.

"well i didn't know how else to respond... but yeah... i like hearing you say my name." jisung shrugged as a slight blush rose to his cheeks.

"more than kitten?" minho questioned.

"kitten is funny to me, but the way you say my name is different. different than how other people say it, different from any nickname you could give me." jisung stated, but it didn't make a whole lot of sense to minho.

"how is it different?" minho asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"you say it like it means something... you say it like i'm the only person to exist with that name, as if my name means something more than what it is." jisung said shyly as he began to sink under the blankets.

"jisung," minho said, causing jisung to immediately look up at him, "it does mean something, you mean something-- no, you mean everything to me."

"for the first time i actually trust what you're saying is true." jisung admitted.

"you haven't believed me in the past?"

"not you specifically... just anytime someone has claimed to care about me... i find it hard to trust them and usually i end up being right. however, with you, i believe every word you tell me." jisung grabbed minho's arms and wrapped them around himself, as he then nuzzled in close to the latter's chest.

"you make it so easy to fall for you." minho smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around jisung.

"don't worry, i promise to catch you." jisung looked up with a small smile on his face.

minho leaned down, pecking jisungs lips gently before pulling away and just looking deeply into the boys eyes.

jisungs eyes were the type to make you fall in love if you looked into them for too long. they seemed soft and sweet and the creases that formed when the boy smiled only made them that much more perfect.

minho's eyes were the type you got lost in and jisung experienced just that. he stared into minho's eyes, losing any train of thought he had prior.

"you have beautiful eyes." jisung felt compelled to say.

"funny, i was just thinking the same about yours." minho stated, not breaking the eye contact.

"in any other circumstance this would be creepy and awkward, yet with you it feels normal."

"jisung," minho said, "kiss me."

jisung was caught off guard by the demand, but easily complied. he crawled on top of the boy, legs on either side of minho's torso and leaned down placing soft kisses on his lips.

minho held onto jisung's waist gently as the latter allowed his hands to roam through minho's hair.

their lips moved in a synchrony, creating passion and and raw emotions to be exposed. jisung pulled away, but only to leave tender kisses along minho's jawline and down his neck.

"ah.. jisung." minho giggled slightly, being tickled by the gentle kisses jisung was giving him.

"i'm trying to be sexy here and you're laughing!" jisung pouted as he sat up, but was still on top of minho.

"you're adorable baby." minho smiled as he shook his head, grabbing onto jisung's waist to pull him close, "let's sleep now."

"like this?" jisung mumbled into minho's shoulder where his head was resting.

"yes, you're keeping me warm." minho stated as he held on to jisung even tighter, "goodnight jisung."

"ugh... goodnight min." jisung playful groaned as he then shut his eyes. he stayed laying on top of minho and as much as he may have pretended to dislike it, he secretly loved every second of it and did not want to move an inch.


i didn't proof read... eeks

but yalllllll

i love minho:((

like i cannot stress that enough

i love all stray kids members

they high key save me every single day but we ain't gonna talk about that

just enjoy this pic and let's call it a day/night

love you all (especially you lee minho ~even though you wouldn't see this ~) 

love you all (especially you lee minho ~even though you wouldn't see this ~) 

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