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as minho walked down the long hallways and multitudes of stairs, he began to reconsider whether or not going to see jisung was a good idea.

he got lost in his thoughts as his feet carried him to his destination. before he knew it, he was standing outside jisungs dorm room and there was no turning back once his fist hit the door.

he knocked a few times before a purple haired boy with a radiant smile opened the door.

"minho hyung!" felix cheered as he hugged the boy before him.

"hey lix," minho rubbed felixs back as he held him in his arms, "how's jisung doing?"

"he's just been sitting in silence with binnie and i, i'm sure he'll be happy to see you though!" felix said as he grabbed onto minhos hand and ran into his shared room with jisung.

"sungie, look who is here!" felix gestured towards minho who held a sweet smile on his lips.

jisungs eyes widened but his mouth didn't move. he couldn't find the words to express what he wanted to.

instead he just turned away and collapsed back down onto his bed, burying his head in his pillow.

"lix, did you tell minho our dorm room number?" changbin asked with a disapproving tone.

"he said he wanted to come cheer jisung up..." felix said as he kicked his foot nervously.

"alright felix, lets just give them some alone time then." changbin said as he interlocked his fingers with felixs and exited the room.

minho stood there awkwardly as he waited for hiding to hopefully say something or at least pick up his head to look at minho.

once minho realized jisung had no intentions of making the first move, minho shuffled his feet over to jisungs bedside and rubbed the latters back gently.

at first he felt jisung  jump under his touch, but eventually he relaxed and allowed minho to carry on.

minho took a seat on the bed next to jisung as he continued to rub his back, "jisung, are you okay?"

jisung didn't answer, he just shifted his body to face the wall instead of having his face burried in the pillow.

"at least now i can see part of your beautiful face." minho said softly as he brushed his finger gently down jisungs cheek.

jisung quickly sat up and crawled into the corner, facing minho, but looking slightly scared.

his eyes were swollen and teary, looking red as if he had been crying awhile.

"jisung, what happened?" minho asked, the worry for the boy he had only just recently met consuming him.

jisung didn't answer once again, he just stared at minho. his bottom lip began to quiver as more tears poured from his eyes.

minho swiftly brought jisung into his arms and held him as he let the boy cry on his shoulder. he had no idea why jisung was so upset, but minho knew questioning it would only make it worse.

he was waiting for jisung to come to him, but only if he wanted to. minho would not force jisung to speak about it if he didn't want to.

his entire goal by going to jisungs room was to make jisung comfortable around him and forcing him to talk would only ruin that.

after a few minutes of crying, jisung finally pulled himself off of minho and sat back in the corner of his bed, his knees drawn into his chest.

"i-i dont k-know why i-im t-telling you this b-but..." jisung took a deep breath to control his stuttering, "my dad is... is s-sick." he hiccuped as the tears came down harder than before.

"what's wrong with him? is he going to be okay?" minho asked as he reached out to put a hand on top of jisung's.

jisung shrugged as he shook his head, "he has cancer."

"i'm so sorry jisung." minho said as he pulled jisung close to him once more.

"y-you don't need to comfort me." jisung tried to push away from minho, but the older boy wouldn't let jisung escape.

"i don't need to, but i want to. i told you i want to be your friend jisung, friends are there for eachother through times like this." minho brushed through jisungs hair gently as the boy then melted into his touch.

jisung never opened up to anyone about his home life. no one knew the things jisung suffered through in silence, except now minho knew about his father.

jisungs dad has had cancer for the last two years, but it's only progressing. that is what he left out when telling minho.

"i'm here for you jisung, please just stop pushing me away and let me get to know you." minho said as he cupped jisungs face in his hands.

for whatever reason, his gaze flicked down to jisungs lips and the sudden desire to kiss the latter bumbled within him.

minho abruptly let go of jisung, not wanting those feelings to continue. jisung seemed shocked, but just brushed it off and remembered minhos words.

"i'll try to be more open to a friendship with you." jisung mumbled as he wiped away the last few falling tears.

"good." minho smiled to himself as he felt jisungs small hand clutch onto his own.

mimho felt a fire ignite on his skin from jisungs simple touch, but he didn't want to pull away. he wanted to stay there forever with jisung.

he didn't understand the feelings that were arising within him and he didn't want to. he wanted to get rid of them.

minho just wanted wanted jisung as his friend. it couldn't be anything more than that because minho was straight, right?

a. n.

so sorry i didn't update yesterday :((

there's some crazy things going on for me so my day's have been a bit busy

thanks to all who read this story and are patient with updates:)

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