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chan kept calling minho and jisung over and over again, yet he was unable to reach either of the boys. he quickly realized a phone call would not work, and he ran out of the dorms to rush to the park they were supposed to meet at.

he drove at a fast pace down the road, hoping he would find his friends before minho's parents could.

when he arrived at the park, he saw minho and jisung standing in the parking lot, each of them looking quite angry.

chan pulled up next to them, and gave them no time to react. he just rolled down his window and yelled, "get it now! no questions asked!"

"what?" minho stood there confused.

"i said no questions! get in the car!" chan shouted. jisung and minho exchanged confused looks, but ultimately hopped in the car due to the amount of distress that could be heard in chan's voice.

"what's going on chan?" jisung asked from the backseat.

"uh... basically minho's parents have a hunch that you two are together right now and they want to take minho away." chan explained as he drove the boys back to their dorm.

"pfft this shit again?" minho scoffed.

"what do you mean?" chan questioned.

"i would be willing to bet money that my father wants to send me to conversion therapy. he tried it once when i was seventeen, why not try again now?" minho sounded annoyed as he spoke. he folded his arms and just began staring out the window.

"your father tried to send you to conversion therapy when you were seventeen?" jisung questioned.

"i told you i lost my virginity to a guy. you think i would just sleep with someone without any feeling attached?" minho responded to the boy who just stayed silent.

"how did you dad find out about you and that guy back then?" chan asked hesitantly, but he knew jisung would want to know but didn't have the courage to ask minho himself.

"he walked in on us kissing, was really fun." minho said sarcastically.

"minho..." jisung spoke spoftly, "can we talk about him?"

"who? my dad? hell no. i don't even want to consider him my father." minho stated bluntly.

"n-no... i meant the boy from your past." jisung said nervously. 

"oh uh-- what do you want to know?" minho asked, turning his body around in the passenger seat of the car.

"we're here guys, lets get inside quickly without being seen." chan suggested, and the two boys agreed.

"i guess our conversation will have to wait." minho said to jisung as he began walking beside chan into their dorm building.

they made their way to chan and jisung's dorm, making sure to lock the door behind them.

"hopefully your father doesn't know where jisung lives." chan said.

"i doubt he does, we should be fine." minho shrugged.

"can we go talk now?" jisung asked, his doe eyes looking up at minho.

"sure kitten, we can go talk now." minho smiled, feeling helplessly compelled to be sweet to the latter. he felt his heart melt when he laid eyes on the boy, his cold front immediately vanishing.

"y-you called me kitten." jisung smiled shyly.

"hmm i guess i did." minho smiled as he followed jisung into his room.

"are you okay with speaking about your past?" jisung asked, "we've never really discussed much about you."

"i'm okay with it. i feel like you deserve to know." minho said as he sat down on jisung's bed.

"okay, then tell me all of it. i'll just listen to whatever you want to say. i want to know you minho, and understand you. i want to be able to be there for you and help you, but i can't do that without knowing at least a little bit about your past." jisung explained to the latter. minho nodded his head as a soft smile formed on his face.

"you're making it really hard to let you go." minho stifled a little laugh as he stared down at his lap.

"did you learn nothing from our argument? you're not allowed to let me go. i love you too much." jisung said cutely as a pout formed on his face.

minho looked over at the boy and smiled at his adorable behavior. he leaned in close as he cupped the boys puffy cheeks and stared into his eyes.

"i love you more." minho said before softly placing a kiss on the tip of jisung's tiny nose. as minho did this, jisung scrunched up his nose and giggled do to his slight embarrassment.

"so you won't leave me?" jisung asked, his face still being held by minho's hands.

"i won't leave you ji, it would be too hard." minho admitted.

"good," jisung smiled, "now... let's talk seriously. i want to know you minho, all of you. i love you already from all i know about your current life, but i want to know your past too."

"okay, okay..." minho let out a heavy sigh, "where do i start?"

"wherever you want to start. whatever you think is relevant." jisung stated.

"well, up until i was seventeen i had an average life. i had inattentive parents who overworked themselves. i was raised by my butler mr. lee... it was a fairly boring childhood."

"and why did it change when you were seventeen?" jisung asked even though he partially already knew the answer.

"because when i was seventeen, i decided to go against everything my parents believed in." minho said, "i decided to date a boy."

"what was his name?" jisung asked curiously.

"changmin, ji changmin. he's now in a famous boy group called the boyz... i cheer him on still, but we lost contact after everything that happened." minho began to frown, clearly still hurting over the situation even though it happened years ago.

"and what exactly happened?" jisung questioned, hoping he wasn't overstepping.

"what happened?" minho repeated jisung's words, "i wish there was another way to answer it other than the one i'm about to give you because i don't think you'll like it very much."

"what is it?" jisung asked nervously.

"i fell in love for the first time."


hmm  do i or do i not like this chapter?

i can't decide

but hehe i started writing my new minsung story called suicide hotline

that won't be published for a little while though

i want like 30 prewritten chapters before i publish that

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