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jisung crashed his head into his hands as he rubbed furiously at his temples. the lyrics weren't coming to him and it was frustrating.

he had been sitting in the studio for hours trying to write a song, yet he felt lost.

just as he was about to try once more, his phone went off, notifying him that the food he ordered had arrived.

jisung immediately perked up, rushing to the entrance of the building to collect it from the delivery man.

jisung tossed the money at the guy, not even bothering to collect his change, and then began running to the dance practice room where minho would be.

jisung realized as he ran down the halls that he forgot to ask minho which one he was actually in.

jisung peaked in the windows the doors had on them trying to see if he could spot minho in any of the rooms.

lucky for him, minho was dancing in the same practice room he had dragged jisung to the other night.

jisung stood there at the door silently, watching minho help an idol with some choreography.

jisung didn't know why, but he suddenly felt jealous as he watched minho help the girl with getting down the correct movements.

"yes ryujin, perfect!" minho complimented her as she repeated the moves exactly as he did, just slightly in her own style.

jisung listened to minho continuing to compliment ryujin on her dance and he suddenly felt a bit insecure.

the way minho watched her was something jisung felt he never would receive.

minho watched ryujin in awe of every move she made, he was mesmerized by her, yet jisung felt minho just looked him like he did anyone else.

how untrue this is was completely unknown to jisung.

"oh hey sungie." minho said, catching the younger boy off guard. 

"h-hi... sorry f-for interrupting..." jisung stuttered nervously.

"you're not interrupting, i actually kept minho here longer than i should've. bye minho, thank you!" ryujin smiled as she walked out of the room confidently.

"bye, see you next week!" minho called out.

"she kept you overtime?" jisung questioned, the words falling out of his mouth before he could stop them.

"yeah, i was working with her entire group before, but she asked to stay longer so she could perfect the moves. ryujin is quite competitive." minho laughe as he grabbed a towel to wipe off his sweat.

"oh... w-wait... that's ryujin from itzy?" jisung asked, finally realizing who the girl was.

"yeah." minho laughed, saying it like it was obvious.

"do you... think she's pretty?"


"what?" jisung responded, putting his hands up defensively.

"you're the one that i want, no one else." minho drew closer to jisung, creating hardly any space between the two of them.

"that didn't answer my question." jisung frowned, not even slightly showing the anxiety minhos proximity was causing him.

"she's not my type, i won't say she's ugly... that's just mean. i'm just... i'm more into people like you jisung." minho couldnt dare say the words that he is gay or that he likes guys... it hurt too much to even think about.

instead, minho just slipped his hand under jisungs jawline, cupping the boys face gently.

"people like me?" jisung gulped hard.

"not people like you... just you." minho corrected himself, wanting distract from what his words could have meant.

minhos gaze flicked down to jisungs lips as he slowly leaned closer. he watched jisungs eyes flutter shut softly and his lips were slightly parted, expecting to be kissed.

minho watched jisung with a smile, loving how effortlessly beautiful the boy looked.

he quickly placed a peck onto jisungs lips before snatching the food bags out of jisungs hand and rushing to sit on the opposite side of the room.

jisungs eyes flew open as he looked over at minho with a grumpy pout plastered on his face.

"come join me kitten, im hungry." minho smirked as he patted the space beside him.

"we're eating on the floor?" jisung asked with a hint of disgust.

"hey, you're the one who wanted to eat in the practice room. this is how we do things here." minho responded with a shrug.

"ugh fine," jisung rolled his eyes as he plopped down beside minho, "hey save some chicken for me!"

"i need the protein though, i just danced for like twelve hours straight!" minho whined.

"and there is the whiny tone i imagined... no number for you!" jisung said as he snatched a piece of chicken from minho just as he was about to put it in his mouth.

"my chicken..." minho frowned.

"you can pout all you want, but you're not getting my number or that piece of chicken back!" jisung smiled happily as he munched away on his food.


"no buts... i hate when people have buts." jisung said not being specific enough in his word choice.

"you have a butt though.." minho said softly.

"shut up! you know that's not what i meant!"


thank you to all who left comments on the last chapter... i promise i read all your comments on my stories, i just don't always respond because of the headspace i am in when i read them...

i prefer to be at least somewhat happy so i can respond with the same enthusiasm and love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals give me. love you all so much, thank you for everything❤️

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