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minho felt his heart race as he and changmin ran through the halls of the company.

as they passed others, they received some strange looks, but this only caused the two of them to break out into laughter.

the rise and falls of their chests continued even after they reached the dance practice room and sat down to catch a breather.

the two just stole glances at one another every few seconds and giggled as their eyes locked.

they felt childish and innocent, but they liked it this way. it had been a long time since they got to feel like two kids in love or maybe just two kids in general. both forced to grow up way before they were ready, and witnessed things no one would ever want.

"i forgot how fun it was to run by your side." changmin said through a breathy voice.

"seems like you're out of shape now too." minho said, panting along with changmin.

"speak for yourself. i train practically all day for stages!" changmin defended himself, still seaming like he was chasing the air in the room.

"yeah yeah, i dance all day too you loser!" minho retorted. the two of them just laughed, neither boy ever took the other seriously.

"sorry mr. big shot. forgot you're a big time choreographer now." changmin stated as he pushed jokingly on minhos chest. sitting up on his knees to hover over minho.

"hey, you're the big time idol, im just a regular old choreographer." minho said as he put his hands up defensively.

"there's nothing regular about you minho. you've always been special." changmin smiled shyly as he said this.

"stop ittt, you'll make me blush." minho nudged the boy, but this only made changmin feel even more confident.

"good to know i still have that effect on you," changmin smiled at minho. his eyes glanced down at the floor as he felt a small blush spread onto his face.

"hmm youre the one saying you have 'that effect on me' yet you're blushing." minho said as he placed his hand under changmin's chin to get him to lift his face.

"stop it." changmin pushed away from minho with a childish pout on his face.

"awe no, the baby is upset with me now." minho mimicked a baby voice to tease changmin as he bursted out into laughter immediately after.

"the baby? not your baby? man things have changed." changmin sighed, but his words were quite muffled.

"what was that?" minho questioned, not catching the latter.

"nothing, i just said a lot has changed." changmin had a sad smiled on his face. it was obvious to see his mood had changed.

"are you okay?" minho asked worriedly.

"can i hug you?" changmin asked, but before minho could even respond, changmin dove into the boys arms.

changmin took minho by surprise, causing the two of them to wind up on the floor. minho didn't take long to respond to this though, he eventually wrapped his arms around changmin to hug him.

changmin laid there with his eyes shut, just listening to the steady beat of minhos heart.

"it's not racing..." changmin mumbled.


"your heart," changmin lifted his head up and got off of minhos chest, "it doesn't race when i hug you like it used to."

"oh, it used to race?" minho questioned innocently.

changmin nodded, "i used to make you nervous i guess."

"i was in love with you back then." minho laughed a bit.

"was?" changmin asked, feeling a piece of his heart break. a piece that still loved minho, a piece he tried to forget existed.

"yeah, i had to move on eventually changmin." minho explained, "you moved on too right?"

"y-yeah, of course." he nodded, but minho could tell something was off.

"you are over me arent you?" minho questioned.

"i'd say im ninety five percent over you. there's still that five percent that won't let me forget you." changmin explained as he fiddled with the laces on his sneakers.

"i never forgot you, but i did move on changmin. i have a boyfriend now." minhos words hurt changmin, but he was also happy for the boy.

"im glad you finally broke away from your evil father." changmin spoke genuinely.

"thank you," minho smiled, "i think im losing my boyfriend though..."

"losing him? why?" changmin asked, actually concerned for minho. even if there was that small percentage of him that wasnt over minho, the majority of him wanted minho to be happy.

"his father just died and i haven't heard from him in days. he's in malaysia and i'm starting to think he's never coming back." minho explained, his expression falling completely.

"go to him." changmin stated.

"go to him?"

"he's pushing you away because he doesn't think you can handle the darkest parts of him... or at least thats what i would do if i was him... but he really does need you.

he needs you to prove that you don't care about the bad stuff. you're there for all of it. the good and the bad." changmin suggested to minho.

"that does sound like something sungie would do... he doesn't like to open up." minho added.

"then he needs you now more than ever." changmin said with a sad smile.

"ah... im sorry. it was wrong of me to dump my relationship problems on to you." minho said apologetically.

"it's okay minho, i just want you to be happy." changmin smiled a real smile.

"i want you happy too." minho said, being comeoletely sincere.

"i am happy," changmin stood up, "i have to go back and help out with ny groups next title track, but i do wish you the best of luck with your boyfriend. it was nice to see you minho, please stop being such a stranger and talk to me more."

"okay, thank you changmin. i'll see you soon." minho smiled as he embraced the boy tightly.

"i will hold you to that mr. lee."

"i promise i will see you soon changmin. i really mean it." minho added.

"okay, bye minho." changmin then walked out of the room with a darkened heart. one that felt both complete and empty at the same time.

in one aspect, he finally got closure with minho, and he could finally move on. in another aspect, this meant he and minho were finally over for good. no more hope of a better tomorrow.

minho had moved on, and now changmin had to do the same.


all of you thinking minho would cheat, SHAME ON YOUUUU

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