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minho hurried to pack his things. he only had a couple hours until he had to leave to catch his plane, and he didn't want to waste anytime.

he ran around his dorm like a mad man trying to get his act together.

minho was stressing out. he felt as if he was meeting jisung for the first time, even though they had known eachother for months now.

for whatever reason, the anxiety was eating him alive, and seeing jisung made him nervous.

it really hadn't been that long, but the way jisung had been speaking to him lately seemed so cryptic.

minho was afraid to go to malaysia and have jisung break his heart. minho couldn't deal with a broken heart. not one from jisung.

he needs jisung in his life, just as much as jisung needs him, but minho didnt  know that.

he only knew how strongly he felt towards jisung, and minho just hoped jisung felt at least a fraction of what he felt.

"minho, what're you doing?" jeongin asked, stifling a small laugh.

"huh?" minho questioned as he went to stand up and hit his head on his dressed, "ah fuck!"

"ha, idiot." jeongin laughed at the latter.

"fuck you." minho snapped, the stress levels clearly getting to him.

"woahhh who shit in your cereal this morning?" jeongin questioned.

"you." minho rolled his eyes as he began throwing things into his suitcase.

"where are you going? are you moving out? did i actually do something wrong?" jeongin asked worriedly.

minho let out a heavy sigh and plopped himself down on the edge of his bed.

"no, you didn't do anything. i'm just going to malaysia for a couple of days." minho explained as he rubbed his temples, revealing to jeongin that he was obviously stressed out.

"malaysia? where jisung is?" jeongin asked as he took a seat beside the latter.

"yep." minho nodded.

"wow, dedication." jeongin began to nod too.

"hyunjin would do the same for you. that's why he wouldn't let you break up with him." minho muttered.

"what're you talking about?" jeongin questioned, not understanding why the conversation was suddenly focusing on his love life.

"you wanted to break up with hyunjin because you're going on tour soon. he would never allow that. hyunjin is wayyyy to in love with you. he'd rather tour every single day with you then go a second not being your boyfriend." minho explained, jeongin just hummed in response.

"does that not make you happy?" minho asked.

"it does," jeongin smiled shyly, "i guess i wanted him to prove he cares about me."

"prove it?"

"yeah, he fought for me... no one has ever done that before." jeongin shrugged, his expression falling soft but not quite sad.

"do you think that's what jisung wants from me?" minho asked.

"what do you mean?" jeongin responded with furrowed eyebrows.

"jisung originally told me not to go visit him. he said he was scared of me seeing him." minho told jeongin.

"ah," jeongin nodded, "yeah... i guess he did want you to prove yourself in a way. not quite the same way i wanted hyunjin to, but similar."

"how so?"

"well, he's letting you come now isn't he?" jeongin questioned, and minho responded with a nod, "so he obviously wants you there. he's just scared of being vulnerable around you.

if you stay after seeing him in such a vulnerable state, it'll prove to him that you will stay with him through anything.

it's both scary and rewarding for jisung. on one hand, he's scared you'll leave after seeing him that way. on the other hand, if you stay then that means you truly do love him."

"i do love him!" minho said adamantly.

"i know you do," jeongin chuckled, "and im sure jisung does too. he just struggles to allow himself to be loved."

"i wish things could be easier..." minho let out a heavy sigh.

"they'll get easier. trust me, you don't want easy. you just want jisung. it'll be okay."  jeongin placed his arm around minho and gave him a gentle squeeze.

"thanks jeongin. when did you get so smart?" minho teased the latter.

"oh shut up and get back to packing!" jeongin shoved the boy away from him and walked out of the room.

minho just laughed to himself as he regained composure.

he returned to getting his things together and tried his best to let go of any negative thoughts. what jeongin said to him made sense, and the last thing he wanted to do was start over thinking everything.

all he had to do was pack and leave. it was simple, and once it was done, things would only get easier.

at least he hoped they would.


double update because they're both kinda short

i didn't proof read either one though because it was lowkey hard to type since my hands are FREEZING and idk why cause my heat is on... also i'm very sleepy

sorry if there are any mistakes!!!!

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