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the first person minho wanted to speak to about what happened at jeongin and jisung's celebration was jeongin.

he made his way into the boys room when he knew both hyunjin and seungmin would be working.

"hey jeongin, can i talk to you for a moment?" minho asked as he walked in slowly.

"oh so you've never heard of knocking i guess." jeongin said with a sarcastic smile.

"i figured i didn't need to since i've already accidentally seen you naked." minho emphasized the accidental part.

"lies, you knew i was going to shower and still walked in on me. you wanted to see my naked body." jeongin retorted, "but either way, there's worse thing that you could see."

"like what?"

"like... you know... sexual things..." jeongin said awkwardly.

"gross, don't want to imagine it." minho said as he waved his hands around dramatically.

"what did you want anyway?" jeongin asked, getting passed his original annoyance about the boy not knocking.

"i wanted to know how you and hyunjin are doing... more specifically you though." minho explained as he walked over and took a seat beside jeongin on the boy's bed.

"im fine." jeongin responded simply.

"what about you and hyunjin?" minho asked.

"well... if im being honest... i don't know." jeongin sighed, "i can't help but think he'd be better with seungmin."

"why would you even say that?" minho questioned, not understanding why the younger boy would have such negative thoughts.

"im leaving for my tour in two weeks... i won't be here for him. seungmin will be. i'll constantly be leaving him and he doesn't deserve that in the slightest." jeongin explained.

jeongins eyes seemed heavy and his face was quite drawn, minho hoped the boy wasn't losing sleep over this.

"you're going on tour?" minho earned a nod in response, "what does hyunjin think about that?"

"he doesn't even know... i haven't had the heart to tell him." jeongin let out a heavy sigh, "it would just be easier if he was with seungmin.

"maybe he doesn't want easy did you ever think of that? maybe all he wants is you." minho stated, knowing that was all hyunjin wanted.

"i doubt it..." jeongin laid down on his bed, drawing the covers over his head as he heard their front door open.

"i'll be back." minho said as he went into the common area to see who was there.

"hey minho." hyunjin said with a half hearted smile.

"hey," minho responded, "why do you seem so upset?"

"jeongin has been ignoring me ever since the night at jisungs dorm... i don't really know what else to do to fix things between us. i think he wants to break up with me." hyunjin frowned as he felt the pain his chest from the thought of jeongin leaving him.

"i don't think he wants to breakup with you, he probably just thinks he has to." minho explained, but it made no sense to hyunjin.


"just go speak to him." minho suggested as he gestured towards the boys room.

hyunjin gave minho a confused look before making his way over to jeongin's room.

unlike minho, hyunjin actually knocked. with jeongin expecting minhos return, he said for the person at the door to come in.

hyunjin was a bit shocked, but entered anyway.

"oh— i thought you were minho." jeongin said before he rolled back over in bed.

"i can assure you im not." hyunjin tried to joke around, but it didn't go over too well with the boy.


"are you mad at me?" hyunjin questioned, his expression seeming hurt and a bit scared.

jeongin sat up and stared at his boyfriend, his eyes seeming soft yet sad.

"no, i'm not mad at you." jeongin admitted, "i am leaving you though."

"no, jeongin.. please," hyunjin begged, "please don't do this."

"i-im going on tour in two weeks... i won't be here for around a month. it's just a tour around korea to start, but eventually i want to do a world tour." jeongin explained to the boy.

hyunjin let out a sigh of relief, "oh so you're not breaking up with me... good."

"no, i am..." jeongin trailed off.

"wh-what? why?" hyunjin asked, tears brimming his eyes in the process.

"i don't want to make things hard for you. it's not fair if im always leaving."

"what about what i want?" hyunjin asked.


"you said you don't want to make things hard for me, but you never asked what i would want. isnt a relationship about compromising and listening to the others wishes?" hyunjin asked, trying to get the boy to understand his side of things.

"yeah... it is. so what do you want jinnie?" jeongin asked.

"i want you. all of you. i want you when you're 3,000 miles away, and when you're only 1 mile away. i want to be with you when things are hard, easy, and everything in between.

i want to love you the way you deserve to be loved and i want you to love me back. i want you to understand that i don't want to be anything more than just friends with seungmin.

i want you to know how sorry i am that he kissed me at the party and how sorry i am that i went after him.

but i also want you to know that i told him i am in love with you and i want to be with you for as long as i can be.

please don't break up with me over you going on tour, at least break up with me for a good reason. that's what i want." hyunjin expressed himself sincerely, leaving jeongin speechless.

"but if you still really want to break up... then i'll respect your wishes." and with that hyunjin left the boys room, allowing him to have some time to think things over.


i purchased 3 minho pc and bubble for chan and minho... why do i do this to myself when I HAVE NO MONEY

 why do i do this to myself when I HAVE NO MONEY

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