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as soon as felix woke up, jisung got dressed and rushed over to minho's dorm.

he knocked rapidly on the door, waiting just beyond it with a beaming smile.

"jisung!" minho smiled as he wrapped the boy up in his arms.

"cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake," the boy kept repeating as he was practically vibrating from excitement.

"yes kitten, i got you cheesecake." minho laughed as he released jisung and allowed the boy to run inside the dorm.

jisungs eyes brightened as his sights set on the chocolate cheesecake minho had waiting for him.

"yummy!" jisung squealed as he grabbed a spoon and took a bite.

"don't forget to save some for me." minho reminded causing jisung to pout, "what? the baby doesn't know how to share?"

"i guess if it's with you i'll share," jisung smiled as he offered to feed minho a spoonful.

"mmm, that's good." minho hummed, "do you still want hot chocolate?"

"yes please!" jisung said happily as he continued munching away on his delicious cheesecake.

"is that the first thing you have eaten today?" minho asked thinking about the fact jisung was apparently cuddling with felix all morning.

"maybe..." jisung responded.

"well... at least it makes you happy." minho shook his head as he then continued making the hot chocolate for the two of them.

"very happy." jisung nodded as he shoved more cake into his mouth.

"what movie do you want to watch bubs?" minho asked the boy as he handed him his hot chocolate.

"how about we watch a kdrama... it can be like our thing to watch it together..." jisung said shyly as he stared down at his plate filled with cake.

"which kdrama do you want to watch?" minho asked, being intrigued by the idea.

"it's called it's okay to not be okay, it seems really interesting!" jisung said excitedly, making the suggestion impossible for minho to turn down.

"sure kitten, we can watch it." minho rustled jisungs hair, warning slight protest from the latter.

minho then entangled his fingers with jisungs, "let's head to my room, i have a tv that we can see from my bed in there."

"o-okay." jisung gulped as he held onto minho with one hand and his mug of cocoa in the other.

minho set down his cup on his bedside table, grabbed onto the remote and leaped onto his bed.

he turned on the tv and began looking for the show jisung had suggested.

jisung just stood there awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"come sit with me." minho patted the space beside him and jisung hesitangly put his mug down and got ready to lay beside minho, "come on." minho encouraged.

jisung then shook off his nerves and leaped onto minho, cuddling into him immediately.

"so cute." minho smirked as he brushed his fingers through jisungs hair.

"focus on the screen!" jisung scolded as he laid his head on minhos chest, listening to his heart beat and feeling the rise and fall caused by minhos deep breaths.

jisung then snuck his hand up minhos shirt, feeling over his lightly toned stomach, enjoying the warmth his body provided.

he heard minhos heart rate quicken as soon as he did this, "am i making you nervous?"

"stop listening to my heartbeat." minho harshly responded as he clicked play on the show.

"i make you nervous." jisung giggled to himself as he drew circles on the latters stomach.

"more like fill me with butterflies." minho corrected as he kissed the top of jisungs head.

"why aren't we dating?" jisung asked, the questioned eating him alive the last few days.

"because... jisung you said you didn't want buts when it came to liking you... this would be the ending to that sentence i started, 'i like you but...'"

"okay i get it... i don't want to know." jisung immediately shut down the idea of it, making minho instantly regret not telling the truth.

"want to watch the show?" minho asked as he rubbed his hand back and forth comfortingly on jisungs back.

"yes, as long as i can keep laying on you like this." jisung smiled, getting impossibly close to minho.

"of course, as long as you don't fall asleep!" minho stated.

"we will see." jisung shrugged, feeling the exhaustion continuing to hit him from last nights events.


my mind is very clouded tonight

writing is really my only escape

i don't want to tell anyone what's going on because it'll hurt too much and if i say it out loud that makes it real and i would rather just keep denying it 🤪🤪


how are all of you? how is school? what is covid like where you are? are you doing okay?

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