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"you okay?" jeongin asked minho once he left chan who was now distracted by jisung.

"i'm fine." minho shrugged, but he was far from fine.

"why do you look at him like that?" jeongin questioned already having some speculations of his own. 

"like what?" minho responded, acting as if he had no idea what jeongin meant.

"you look at jisung as if he's your entire world. you hardly know him though." jeongin said skeptically. he knew, or at least assumed, how minho felt towards jisung.

"i don't know... feels like i've known him forever." minho shrugged, not taking his eyes off of jisung.

"are you sure seungmins not right about you? it's okay if you are... i mean i—" jeongin started speaking, but minho cut him off.

"i can't be jeongin... just drop it." minho said before walking off to grab another drink.

jeongin let out a loud sigh as he shook his head. he knew he over stepped, but he just wanted to help both minho and jisung get what they wanted. jeongin then turned to see hyunjin still conversing with seungmin. 

he tried to not let his jealousy get the best of him, but being slightly impaired by alcohol, his judgement was a little off. 

"hyunjin..." jeongin said as he walked over, looking from hyunjin to seungmin, back to hyunjin. 

"yeah innie?" hyunjin responded through laughter over something seungmin had said prior to jeongin's arrival. 

"we haven't hung out all night..." jeongin said with a saddened expression.

"you've been busy." hyunjin shot back, not caring that his jealous side was showing. jeongin stepped back, his jaw dropping a bit as he was shocked by hyunjin's response. 

"you have been too." jeongin muttered before walking off. he heard footsteps behind him before someone latched on to his arm. 

"he's been talking about you all night jeongin," it was seungmin that had a hold of jeongin, "don't just walk off like this." 

"you like him, right?" jeongin asked, hoping he didn't have to deal with the consequences of his question. 

"jeongin, he's your boyfriend and you're one of my best friends." seungmin said, averting his gaze from jeongin's. 

"that didn't answer my question. do you like him?" jeongin questioned once more, but seungmin stayed silent, " i guess that answers my question." and with that jeongin shook free of seungmin's grasp and walked off. 

hyunjin watched the events unfold, not hearing the conversation that had been transferred between the two boys. 

"what did you say to him?" hyunjin asked.

"i told him not to leave, but he did anyway." seungmin shrugged, not wanting to expose his own feelings. 

"i hate when he spends time with chan, he always seems to forget the rest of the world exists." hyunjin rolled his eyes as he began to pout. 

"you know chan has helped him through a lot, he can't help but have a bit of a connection to the guy." seungmin saying this definitely did not ease hyunjin's mind, if anything it just made matters worse. 

"whatever," he scoffed, "i need another drink." 

hyunjin ended up beside a drunken jisung who was looking around the place for minho. hyunjin rolled his eyes once more, wondering how his nice could possibly get any worse. 

"ugh great, it's you." hyunjin muttered. jisung spun to face the boy and just had a disheartened look on his face. 

"i only ever wanted to be your friend, why do you hate me so much?" jisung frowned as he slurred his words. 

"i-i don't know..." hyunjin admitted. 

"then stop being mean." jisung lightly hit the latter in the chest as he said this. 

"uh-- alright... i-i guess you are looking for minho?" hyunjin asked, to which jisung nodded his head happily. 

"i went to talk to channie and now i can't find him anywhere... maybe he left... he isn't even into me so i don't know why i care... he'll never like me... why did i let jeongin get my hopes up... why am i so dumb... oh god... he definitely left me... what if i did something dumb... oh no..." jisung kept on rambling to himself. hyunjin actually felt pretty bad for the boy, he knew what it felt like to have an unrequited love, or at least he thought that love was unrequited...

"jisung," hyunjin said to catch the boys attention, "it's going to be okay. let's go find him." 

"you're going to help me?" jisung perked up. 

"y-yeah i am..." hyunjin responded, "come on." 

jisung followed closely behind the boy with a smile plastered on his face. they looked around the dorm room hoping to find him somewhere, but just as it seemed like they would never find him... they finally did, but he was not alone.


i don't actually know why i did that little cliff hanger?? i guess it's to keep you guys interested, i hope it fits though, i don't know my brain hurts tonight

also omg the comeback. 

i have no words for it

everything about it is perfect. 

that is all.

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