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Bang Christopher Chan


did you fix things with jisung

yeah, we're good now

why're you texting me then
i feel like you only ever
text me when you need advice

i need advice


are you straight?

i mean no
but yes
i mean like yeah, but not really

chan really???
could you be any less specific

i just don't label it
i love who i love
i don't like labeling it because
i'm just not too sure

oh ok
that's fair

is there a reason you asked
me this?

i'm afraid you can't help me
if you don't even know yourself

are you thinking you like boys?


you read my message

come on

you can trust me
i promise

i can't like boys chan
i just can't

why can't you??

there are so many reasons
why i can't

and there are so many reasons
why you can

not any good ones

your happiness is one

i can find happiness in other

do you even like girls??

i don't know
i guess not
ah fuck what am i saying
i have to be straight
i don't even know why i came
to you about this

you don't have to be anything
minho, just love who you love

i can't do that chan

you can though minho, just
allow yourself to be happy

i don't think i can do that
thanks anyway

does this have anything to do
with jisung?

you leaving me on seen just
makes me believe i'm right

well because you are!
i just didn't want to admit it ok?

minho it's ok to not have it all
figured out
just take it slow and see where
things go

i don't want to hurt jisung though

just don't do anything differnet
from normal until you're positive
on your feelings for him

that's actually pretty good advice
thanks chan
and please don't tell anyone
about this
if someone finds out...
it could end really poorly for me

someone like who minho??
none of your friends would care
pretty much no on in the
company would care

people would care... people
i don't want to depict in a bad way
please just drop it chan

i'm going to guess it's your parents

get out of here with your mind
reading shit
i don't like it

they're your parents minho
i've met them before and
they seem to really love you

and when i tried to talk to them
about being confused with my
sexuality in high school and they
told me therapy could fix me
yeahhhh that was them just being
loving right???

or how about when i actually went
to therapy for that
not full blown conversion therapy
but where the therapist was
extremely religious and homophobic
and tried to "talk me out of being gay"

i didn't know
i'm so sorry minho

it's ok
no one knows
my parents and i never discuss it

i'm sorry minho
i won't let anything happen to you
i promise

thank you chan, i appreciate that

i love you minho
it's going to be okay

ew don't be so gay

well we both might be gay so ha

too soon to joke about asshat!

it's never too soon 🏳️‍🌈

i hate you.

you love me:)



bye chan.



i can't wait for the real tea to start🥰🥰

edit: i checked over this twice and still managed to post it with mistakes 🗿🗿

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