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minho made his way down the stairs of his house, trying to get out of there as quietly as possible.

unfortunately for minho, he was a very unlucky person.

"where are you going?" his mother asked as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"to meet chan, you can even check my phone. he's the only number i have saved in here." minho explained, hoping his mother would let it go.

"ah chan... your producer friend. alright, how'd you get his number?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes at minho.

"i memorized his... i also memorized jisungs but i haven't texted him sooo." minho didn't have either number memorized, he just didn't want to get mr. kim in trouble.

"whatever, just be quick. we are having dinner soon." his mother said angrily before walking away from her son.

"okay, will be." minho flashed her the fakest smile he could muster up before heading out the door.

he hopped in his car and headed over to the park him and jisung agreed to meet at.

minho was somewhat mad at chan for doing exactly what he said not to do, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy to see jisung for one last time.

the car ride was painfully slow. minho was nervous to see jisung in a public setting. he was nervous his parents were somehow spying on him and if they found out he lied, it could all be over for jisung.

minho knew he was a grown adult, and realistically, he could do whatever he wanted. however, minho cared far too much for jisung to act so recklessly.

if minho chose to be with jisung regardless of what his parents said, minho knows they would drive jisungs career into the ground and make it so that boy suffers.

minho finally arrived at the park, and slowly got out of his car as he felt his legs slightly begin to shake with every step.

minho saw jisungs black hair in the distance and immediately began walking over towards the boy.

jisung was sat on a park bench, his leg shaking vigorously.

minho slid in the seat beside him and gently placed his hand on jisungs leg.

jisung was startled by the sudden touch, but as soon as he looked up and saw minhos face, all his nerves melted away.

jisung collapsed into minhos arms as the tears began pouring out of him.

minho just rubbed jisungs back, not daring to question why the boy was crying. minho allowed for jisung to let it all out, it was the least he could do for their final time together.

"don't leave me please." jisungs cries were muffled into minhos chest. minho could feel the tears soaking his shirt, but that was the least of his worries.

"i have to sungie, im sorry." minho said softly as he ran his fingers through jisungs hair.

"why? what could be so bad that you have to leave me?" jisung questioned, pulling away from minhos chest to lock eyes with the boy.

"my parents ji, they will ruin your career." minho said as he cupped jisungs face gently in his hands, wiping away the tears as they fall with his thumbs.

"i don't care about my career, i care about you." jisung stated very adamantly.

"but jisung... they will out you to the entire industry. i cant have them do that to you." minho said, letting his hands fall, and his contact with jisung to be broken.

jisung felt the cold hit his face in the spots minhos hands used to be. everything felt cold without minho. jisung had no idea when he got so attached to the boy, but he was definitely not going to give him up now.

jisung grabbed on to minhos hands, holding on tightly out of fear that the boy would disappear on him.

"so what? let them out me! i told you, i only care about you, my career isn't important." jisung explained, but minho just shook his head.

"i can't let you put me above yourself jisung." minho said, taking his hands away from jisung, "i knew i shouldn't have come here."

"what do you mean you shouldn't have come?" jisung asked as he stood up with minho who was starting to walk away.

"it's too difficult jisung, i just have to leave." minho stated.

"ugh you're being so dramatic! i just told you i don't care about my career. you are more important to me. shouldnt i be the one to make decisions about my own career?" jisung asked angrily as he followed behind minho.

"you'll regret that jisung, and i don't want you to end up resenting me." minho continued on walking, not paying attention to jisung in the slightest.

"no i won't minho," jisung searched for the proper words to get minho to stay, and only three came to mind, "i-i love you!"

minho stopped in his tracks upon hearing the words, but he didn't turn around. he stood there for a moment, allowing jisung to catch up, but as soon as the boy got close, minho continued to walk.

"minho, please... i know you love me too. i saw the messages with chan!" jisung shouted.

minho stopped once again, but this time turned around to face jisung.

"why are you being like this? cant you just let me go? my parents don't have morals. they don't have a single once of love in their hearts. they are awful people." minho stated, his tone seeming angrier than jisung had ever experienced before.

"so why would you want to work for them? why would you want to give up someone who actually loves you just to please them?" jisung questioned and his words rang through minhos ears repeatedly.

why am i doing this for them... for jisung... it's for jisung.

"for you jisung, it's all for you. i don't want them to hurt you." minho stepped closer to the boy, placing his hand gently on the latters cheek.

"what's the worst they'll do? out me?" jisung questioned and minho nodded his head.

"then i'll beat them to it..."


was this chapter too dramatic? probably.

i hate my writing lately.



this minsung picture.

that's all.

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