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minho | jisung


just landed

how was the flight?

kinda boring
i just slept for most of it

at least you got some rest

that's true

is your mom coming to pick
you up?

i'm about to go meet her at the car

you doing ok?

about as ok as i can be

i love you ji
things will get easier one day

easier but never better

i know, i'm sorry

don't be sorry
this isn't your fault

it's not yours either

i have to go minho
my mom is waiting for me

please try to remember this is
not your fault
i love you sungie

love u



jisung locked his phone, knowing he was extremely dry while texting minho. he knew his words probably alarmed the other, and maybe even hurt him.

it was never jisungs intention to hurt minho, but he also couldn't bring himself to be interest in the conversation.

he wanted to talk to minho, he really did, but every ounce of his being was breaking over the thought of seeing his father who was only hanging on by a thread.

"hi jisung," jisungs mother smiled softly as she wrapped up her son into her arms upon seeing him for the first time in a long time.

"hi mom." jisung responded. her scent filled his nose and sent a nostalgic feeling over him.

she never changed her perfume. ever since jisung was little, she sprayed on the same exact one, thus making the smell remind him of both some happy and sad times.

"you smell nice." jisung hummed as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"i smell the same as always i think." she laughed, not understanding the sudden compliment on her perfume.

"you do, but i've just missed you i guess." jisung spoke honestly.

"i've missed you too." his mother said, trying to keep her tears from leaving her eyes.

"how is dad?" jisung asked her as he began to pull away from the hug.

"we can talk in the car, get in." she suggested as she grabbed onto jisungs bags and started putting them into her car.

"okay..." jisung sighed, stepping into the passenger seat.

his mom then got around to the drivers seat and rested her head against the wheel for a moment before beginning to drive.

jisung could tell she was exhausted, and not only that, but she looked heart broken.

she was losing the man she has loved for more than half of her life, it was normal to feel heart broken.

"mom, can you please talk to me about dad now?" jisung asked. it was obvious to him based off of his mother's appearance that his father was not doing well.

"he's bad jisung, he's really bad." she finally admitted, "he's unresponsive..."

"what?" jisung spun to face her.

"im sorry jisung... i couldn't tell you that over the phone but i just-"

"what do you mean unresponsive?" jisung questioned.

"his life is being supported by machines. the one thing he has never wanted... i didn't want to do anything though before you could say goodbye." jisungs mother explained, sniffling back her tears that threatened to fall.

jisung knew exactly what she meant. his father was already gone, but the only reason his heart was still beating was so jisung could feel like he had a chance to say goodbye.

"that's not a real goodbye..." jisung muttered under his breath as he stared out the window, tears falling silently down his cheeks.

he didn't weep or whine, he just allowed the tears to fall from his eyes like water from a faucet.

he couldn't stop them or slow them down, his tears just kept on pouring from his eyes.

jisung felt so numb to everything, that tears weren't even registering to him.

he just focused on the cars passing beside him and tried to convince himself that his father would somehow have a miracle and would wake up by the time jisung arrived to see him.

jisung felt his entire soul crush within him, his heart shattered, and his lungs began to collapse.

his life felt like it became just a little less meaningful, and his happiness was chipped away at once again, but was now down to only a sliver left.

his remaining happiness lies with his mother and minho.

losing either one of them would make jisung lose himself all together.

no happiness.

no love.

just a broken soul searching for something to fill the dark void within him.


why can't i tell if i like these chapters anymore??

my brain feels kinda foggy lately

idk if it's the new medication im on for my headaches??

i don't like this feeling tho

sorry if there's any mistakes in the chapter!

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