Chapter 28: The white glowing eyes

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The next day...

Lexi was just sitting by a lake, staring down at the rushing water. Until suddenly, Lexi's eyes turned white. When it happened, Lexi shook. "H-Huh?! W-why are my eyes white?!" Lexi panicked. She got up and her eyes started to burn when she looked up at the sky. Lexi let out a painful grunt. Lexi spread out her wings and flew over to Vortex's house. When she got there, she knocked on the door.

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When Vortex heard the knocking, he hovered over and opened the door. He immediately saw Lexi with glowing white eyes and tears streaming down her face. "Vortex! Help! What is happening to me!?" Lexi shouted. Vortex looked a little surprised. "Don't worry, Lexi! It's completely normal. It happens when there is danger near you and when you're mad or sad." Vortex explained. Lexi started to panic even more. "W-where..?!" Lexi said nervously. "Would you like your own weapon to defend yourself?" Vortex questioned. Lexi nodded and was handed a dagger with a large blade. Lexi thanked Vortex and hovered back to the location she was in before. She flew down next to the lake and hid her wings. Lexi looked around the area for any danger... there was nothing. She looked more... still nothing. Suddenly, she heard heavy breathing behind her. When she turned around and held out her dagger she saw Dark.. just... hovering there. Lexi's eyes started to glow brighter. "N-no.. NO! NOT YOU!" Lexi shouted. Lexi began to back up in fear, her vision started to become blurry from her tears. Dark held up a knife with Lexi's blood on it. Lexi was terrified. Dark held the knife up to his mouth and licked the blood off the knife in a flattering way. He did it while smiling. Lexi backed up more, her breathing started to accelerate. Lexi held up the dagger closer to Dark. Dark wasn't scared at all. "How will you be able to fight me? Oh, that's right! You're a weak little baby, aren't you?" Dark said while holding down the dagger. Lexi pulled away and slashed Darks eye. Dark fell back in pain, he groaned. Lexi spread out her wings, picked up the dagger, and flew off as fast as she could to Kumu Town. Dark got up, injured. He laughed and laughed.

While Lexi was flying, she had the thought in her head to send Dark back to his place. After she thought about that, she flew over to where Dark was. As she landed on the ground and hid her wings, Dark just stared at her. "Why are you back here, huh? Do you want to fight me some more till I'm dead?" Dark said. Lexi picked up Dark and flew off to his place. Dark struggled to free himself, but Lexi gripped onto him tighter. "Although, I would like to do that, I can't because you said that I'm a weak little baby. So, this is just a little punishment for everything you've done to me..." Lexi stated. When she finally got to Darks house, she dropped Dark. Dark screamed and fell through his roof, leaving a big hole in it. Lexi smiled in satisfaction when she saw that Dark was hurt. "Get back here you little brat! I'm not done with you!!" Dark yelled. Lexi smiled and giggled. "Nope!" Lexi said and flew back to the lake. Dark grunted in anger. When Colordie hovered up to Dark, he saw cuts and bruises all over him. "D-Dark?! What happened?" ColorDie said as he rushed over to Dark. "Don't worry about it, ColorDie. I'm fine.." Dark said as he got up. He hovered over to his room to heal himself. ColorDie just hovered there, worried.

[OLD, BEING REWRITTEN] Lexi's horrifying backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now