Chapter 9: a new friend

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Lexi hovered out of the village and onto a bridge to Hover Outpost and then to Gemstone. A void kumu named Mallory noticed them hovering and then quickly chased after them. Lexi started to hover faster until this red kumu blocked Mallorys way. Lexi turned around. "DONT HURT HER!" The red kumu yelled. "What are you gonna do? Punch me? You're only a mini kumu, you're weak.." Mallory said back. The red kumu punched Mallory in the eye and it started to bleed. Mallory hovered away with a trail of blood. The red kumu turned to face Lexi and Pong. "I'm sorry about that. I'll get out of you're business.." the red kumu said. Lexi hovered over to the red kumu and said "Thank you so much for saving me. What's you're name anyways..?". The red kumu smiled. "My name is Logan..". Lexi smiled with care and said "Well, my name is Lexi, it's very nice to meet you.". Logan giggled to himself. "It's nice to meet you too." Logan said. Lexi thought to herself for a moment "I wonder if we could be friends! We could do so much together!" Lexi thought. "Could we be friends? We look like we have a lot in common!" Lexi said while smiling. Logan smiles back. "Of course we can be friends!" Logan said happily. Lexi smiled the widest she ever could, she was so happy to make a new friend. "You know, I was running away from my village because it's under attack by void kumu's right now.." Lexi said while frowning "my parents also died by a huge rock that squished them..." Lexi said while sobbing a little. Logan frowned "you're parents died? I'm so sorry that happened to you.." Logan said with a sad tone. Lexi started sobbing a lot. She hovered over to Logan and hugged him. Logan smiled. "It's okay. I know you're homeless right now.. don't worry I'll find you and you're brother somewhere to live.." Logan said. Lexi stopped hugging him and wiped her tears. "Come." Logan said while hovering over the bridge and into Hover Outpost. Lexi and Pong followed.

[OLD, BEING REWRITTEN] Lexi's horrifying backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now