Chapter 8: our village is under attack!

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Lexi then heard another boom. Lexi sobbed. Anthony punched one of the void kumu's and he nearly slashed him. "Don't fuck with me" Beats said with anger. Beats tried to slash Anthony again but missed when Anthony moved himself out of the way. Anthony ran to his wife Violet and hugged her. Pong got up with an angry look and slapped Beats repeatedly. "That doesn't hurt me at all.." Beats said. Beats held up Pong by his nub and held a knife up to his stomach. "But you wanna know what really hurts? Getting slashed to death." Beats said while laughing. Beats held the knife up to Pong, before Beats could slash him, Lexi pushed Beats out of the way and tried to run back to the house with Pong. Beats held the two of them up but he noticed a huge rock rolling towards him. Beats threw Lexi and Pong onto the other side. The rock missed Lexi and Pong but it was rolling towards their parents. "MOTHER! FATHER!" Lexi screamed. It was too late. The rock smashed into their parents and they both died from the impact. Blood oozed from under the rock, they were definitely dead. Lexi and Pong sobbed by the blood soaked rock. Lexi grabbed Pongs nub and quickly hovered out of the village.

[OLD, BEING REWRITTEN] Lexi's horrifying backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now