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In all the days of his life, Sanskar thought that only his pain was the biggest. Noone could bear what he had gone through. But this half an hour, changed his whole perception.

Not getting love was still better than getting hate from the people you love. Swara was so true to her loved ones, but she got hate in return. That too for no fault of her own.

Guilt was overcoming every thought of Sanskar. He looked at Swara who had started to stir a little in her sleep. Effect of sedative had been wearing off. Saline was finished. Nurse had already removed the canula from her hand.

Sanskar was fully ready to accept all the anger and hate from Swara. He was even ready to be slapped by her. He was ready for everything just to see a genuine smile over Swara's face.

Suddenly he felt Swara muttering something under her lips. Gradually it became audible.

"No! Sanskar! I am sorry! I failed you! Nikhil! Sanskar! I failed you!" Swara was continuously tilting her head sidewards. Tears started to escape from her eyes in sleep. Her breathes became uneven.

She again drifted off in deep slumber. But her words stabbed the core of Sanskar's heart. Swara, the strongest one he had ever met, the healer of everyone's pain, has now fallen so weak. Till now, Sanskar always used to ask God, why his life was so miserable! But today, he realised that he was truly blessed.

He was hated by Annapurna. He too didn't have any attachment with her. But he was loved by everyone else. He was never blamed for miseries in his loved one's life. Durga prasad tolerated Annapurna just for Sanskar's sake, Ram prasad left his career just for his sake, Sujata tolerated Annapurna just for his sake, but nobody said anything to him. They loved him unconditionally.

But in Swara's case, she loved Nikhil deeply, but she was blamed for his failure and then his death. She became Sanskar's light of life, but got darkness in return. She was there for Pari everytime, but ironically, couldn't share her heart out with her this time. She was the support system of her mom, but her mom is not in a condition to hear her out.

He always considered Swara lucky. But now, he realised her struggles. How much had she faced!

Sanskar was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice when Adarsh and Pari entered the ward.

"Mr. Maheshwari!" Pari's voice startled sanskar a little. He wiped his tears silently and tried to pass a smile to her.

"I am sorry for your loss, Dr. Parineeta!" Sanskar said.

Pari took a deep sigh. "Whatever is there in fate, can't be removed."

She caressed swara's face, "And then there are people like Swara, who get blamed for other's fate."

Parineeta then looked at Sanskar, "Swara loves you a lot. She needs you. She will open up just to you. In these days, I had seen guilt in Swara's eyes. I had seen blankness in her eyes. But she still maintained strong face in front of everyone. Mom dad called her names. But she didn't say a word. She consoled me everytime. I asked her to share her feelings with me. But the most caring Swara," Pari chukled, "she said she is strong. She needs to support me."

"Swara has a tender heart. She is not so strong. She just keeps a strong face. You are my last hope, mr maheshwari. Please be with her. Otherwise this thing will snatch away Swara from us." Pari was begging this time.

Adarsh held pari's hand and then looked at Sanskar. Sanskar nodded his head in support.

Sanskar was about to say something when Adarsh's gaze fell over Swara trying to open her eyes. Her eyeballs were moving little.

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