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Swara was in a great thought. She was rotating the paper weight but her mind was again and again lost in Sanskar. Everytime she thought of him, she got more confused.

In between her thoughts, her cellphone rang. But wait, why the ringtone was changed! She immediately looked at the phone. The contact name was showing "Mrs. Maheshwari"

Swara picked up the call. But before she could speak , a lady started. "What the hell do you think of yourself Sanskar? You created a scene last night and now your father is blaming me. You are really a big trouble." The voice on the other side was so harsh that swara felt blood may come out of her ear. She again tried to speak but lady again started " I tried to call you in the morning. I told you a director wants to cast you and me in his movie. Today was script reading but you... you were just busy in your life."

Swara was startled to hear all these things. She composed herself and finally spoke, " Mrs. Maheshwari! This not your Sanskar but Dr Swara Bose speaking. He had lost his phone by mistake in my cabin"

Swara noticed the sudden change in her tone, "oh sorry dr swara. I thought that it was my son, Sanskar. You know na, he is kind of arrogant. That's why i scolded him. Don't take it otherwise."

"No issues Mrs. Maheshwari." Swara was trying to be as normal as possible.
"Have a good day Dr Swara!" Annapoorna's words were coated with sugar syrup as she hung the call.

Swara sat on the chair and again started thinking. She could very well differentiate between fake and real emotions and she was 100% sure that ap was a fake person. She took a deep breathe. She knew she needed to return the phone. She tried to find out her own phone but found it nowhere. She looked here and there but was not able to.

"Uff! It seems Mr Maheshwari has taken my phone by mistake." She took a deep breathe and was about to go when a nurse came.
"Mam! Emergency! A patient of alcohol withdrawal syndrome."

Swara put sanskar's phone there only and went to emergency. But she did not know that this exchange of phone was about to make a drastic change in her life.

Sanskar came back to his apartment. Laksh too entered behind him.
"Bhaiya why? Do you know who she is!" Laksh was angry at sanskar. Sanskar sat on bean beg and looked at Laksh.
"Do you think i am mad? That's why you took me to her?" Sanskar too was fuming.
"Bhaiya! It's a myth that mad people go to a psychiatrist. There are many things for which..." laksh was about to tell when his phone rang. He looked at the number and then at Sanskar.
"Go laksh! Your duty is calling you." Sanskar smiled at Laksh.

Laksh came near sanskar and sat on the floor.
"Bhaiya! There is an emergency. If not.."
"Shhh! I had never ever stopped you from saving lives Lucky. No need to explain." It was one of the very few times when love was visible in sanskar's eyes.

Sanskar again sat in solitude. He was just staring out of window when he felt his cell phone vibrating. But wait! When did he put his phone on silent mode!

He took out his phone but was shocked to find some other phone. "Maa calling" was visible on it's screen. The contact picture was showing Dr Swara with a middle aged graceful lady.

Sanskar did not have the intention to pick up the call but as if the word "maa" made him pick up the call.
"Hello! Swara betu. Where are you beta? I was waiting for you whole day. And sweetums, you did not take the lunch with you." The maternal love was filled in each and every word of her.

Sanskar felt a lump in his belly coming to his throat. He almost choked. Unknowingly, but at least someone's mom has talked to him in a nice way. How beautiful would it have been if his own mother had talked to him in this way.

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