Chap 21

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Seven days passed like seven years to Swara without meeting Sanskar. All she waited for his text whenever he got free.

Sanskar's condition was not different too. He was in a hurry to finish all his work as soon as possible. All he wanted waa to see Swara.

Swara was sitting in her clinic in the evening. She had just completed her last appointment for today. She took a deep breathe.

"May I come in, Swara?" Swara's solitude was disturbed by a voice which made Swara almost jump in excitement.

"Mr. Maheshwari! I mean Sanskar!" Swara exclaimed in joy. Sanskar was standing there with a bouquet of flower in his hands.

"Good evening, Swara!" Sanskar said while forwarding the bouquet to her. Swara felt a strange butterfly in her belly by hearing her name from him.

"Before you ask me when I came back and all, " Sanskar said , "my flight landed at 2 o clock in afternoon. Then I had my lunch and I slept. As soon as I woke up, I came to meet you."

Swara felt the butterfly had got company of another one.

"Now tell me, do you want to have a nice long talk in my flat, or some other place?" Sanskar asked.

"Umm... your apartment, balcony!" Swara said.

"As you wish!" Sanskar did a dramatic bow to her.

Hanging out with each other became the new normal for both of them. Whenever they got time, they used to hang out either at Sanskar's apartment, or at Swara's place.

Their convos ranged from doctors, acting, history, geography to science. And when they were not talking, they just casually did whatever they wanted to, scroll the social media or reading a book, but in each other's company.

But the thing from which Sanskar tries to keep her away was papparazzi. He did not want Swara to be bothered by them.  Yet, there was a continue sneak peak in their life by media.

"Swara!" Pari was having coffee with Swara in cafe, "Don't you think it's high time. I mean you should tell everything about your past to Sanskar."

Swara went into deep thoughts hearing this. Pari was right. Sanskar was really in love with her and it will be a huge mistake if she tried to hide it from him.

It was evening when her cell vibrated with a message. It was from Sanskar asking her to come to Maheshwari Mansion. Her forehead frowned a little. Why was she being called to Maheshwari mansion!

She took out her car and drove to Maheshwari mansion as fast as she could. As soon as she stepped out of her car, a guard forwarded a carry bag towards her.

"Sir has asked you to change. He is waiting for you in the hall. " Guard said.

Swara nodded and followed the guard to the outhouse.

"I am waiting for you, ma'am!" Guard said.

Swara stepped in the room. She looked at the carry bag. It contained a long maroon gown. It also had a note.

I am sorry for calling you on such a short notice. Please get ready in this. Hope you like it.

Swara wore the gown. Surprisingly, it fitted her perfectly. Just a little makeup with whatever little supply she had with her in her purse, she managed to look presentable. She tied her hair in a loose bun.

"Sanskar bhi na, all of a sudden he made me do this. I am ready now but I don't even know for what I am ready. " Swara was telling this to her mom on video call

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