Chap 28

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Swara's eyes flinched a little. She felt breathe on her neck. She tried to move but couldn't. She then noticed two arms clutched around her. Sanskar was tightly holding her.

She smiled a little in her sleep. She then proceeded to look at the time. She tried to find her phone but couldn't. Her eyes fell on Sanskar's phone. She unlocked the phone. It was 4 in morning.

There were some unread messages in his phone that came in notifications. She was never interested in reading his private chats but one of the notifications made her frown. It was from a director. With trembling hands she opened the chat.

D: i don't know. I wanted to spread rumors about you and Sumedha dating for the publicity of movie. But since you are already in relationship, i think you should be dropped down from movie.

S: sir! I can do anything to get this movie.

D:then break up with her. Otherwise dropping you out will be the only option.

S: sure! And I too was kind of bored. You know very well that I can't remain constant on a girl.

Swara looked at the time of chat. It was just two hours before. Swara felt her heart breaking in thousand parts. How much she loved him and she got this.

Slowly she removed his hands and get dressed. She took a last look at him and slowly moved out after leaving a note on the paper.

She moved out. There was snowstorm going on. She was just in the jacket and the dress she wore last night. She didn't even had the boots.

Outside was very cold. But Swara's heart was colder. She couldn't believe that Sanskar had tried to ditch her. He got bored of her. He was going to dump her for a movie.

Tears streamed down her face. She didn't care about the storm. She didn't care about anything. Right now she wanted to cry. But couldn't. The freezing weather outside was freezing her emotions too.

Swara had started to feel dizzy. She couldn't step forward. She felt immense pain in her toes and fingers. Her vision got blurred.

Sanskar woke up with a jerk. He was breathing heavily. He felt as if something was going far away from him. He then proceeded to pull swara closer but his hands fell on empty bed.

"Swara!" Sanskar called her when he couldn't find her on bed.

There was no reply. He stood up and knocked on washroom door. There was no reply.

He tried to call her number. But her phone went unanswered.

"Where is this girl!" Sanskar was now getting tensed.

His eyes fell on a note placed near the mirror

Never in my dreams I thought that you will get bored of me. Sorry but I read your chat with director. Before you take the pain of breaking my heart, I broke it by myself.

I ll never show my face to you.
Thank you for showing me that I don't deserve to be loved by anyone.

Paper fell from Sanskar's hand.

He ran outside the hotel. Thankfully, he had already attached his and Swara's phone location.

In the snowstorm, he was driving his car on the full speed. Finally he got her phone's location. He got out of car and started searching for Swara. His face was drenched in sweat even in this blizzard.

Finally he saw Swara lying unconscious on a bench. He ran towards her and pick her up. He put her on the back seat of car and drove immediately to the nearby hospital. In the way, all he could do was to pray for her safety.

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