Chap 9

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Sanskar was sitting on his couch when his phone rang. It was his manager.

"Yes preetam! Event... performance. Oh sure! It's been two years that I have had performed on the stage."

Sanskar cancelled the call. He smiled looking at stars. He remembered Swara's words, "when you see good things in life, all the good you want gets attracted towards you."

In the last two years, Sanskar's image was kind of tarnished to an angry man. No actress wanted to dance with him, thinking of his womanizer nature. No performance offers were given to him. But this time, he had got. In fact, his co star from his hit movie, was his partner in dance. Ms. Sumedha Khanna, the hottest actress of current times.

Swara woke up with the morning alarm. She was feeling refreshed. She then took her phone and switched on the data connection. Her phone had two mesaages, one from Laksh and other one for Sanskar.

She opened lakah's message first, "thank you Dr. Bose for doing so much for my brother. As much I know you, I know you are doing this selflessly. Thanks a lot once again."

She then opened Sanskar's message, "hope you are fine this morning. Please take care of yourself."

A smile curved over Swara's lips. She started her day as usual. She had the usual day, nothing special. But as soon as the clock struck 7 in evening, she felt a strange urge. She felt the urge to go to Sanskar. There was an another level of excitement.

On the other side, Sanskar was also not untouched by this excitement. After a long time, he felt an urge to dress up. He was constantly changing his t shirts. The heartthrob of the nation was anxious about his looks today.

"Laksh! Can I borrow your t-shirt?" Sanskar went straight inside his room.

"Bhaiya! Your cupboard has more expensive clothes than me. And by the way, where are you going that you want my t shirt." Laksh was amazed to see him like this.

"Are Swara is comming na. I want to look presentable." Sanskar said and started looking inside laksh's cupboard. But Laksh could not digest what Sanskar had just said. The man whose one smile could kill girls, is now dressing up for a girl.

"Laksh! You too don't have any good t-shirts. I think I have to do shopping." Sanskar zoomed out of room.

Laksh came behind Sanskar. He patted his shoulder, "bhaiya! Are you realising what are you doing?"

"What?" Sanskar was still looking in his cupboard.

"You are dressing up for a girl. It's only 1 week that you have met her." Laksh made Sanskar sit on the bed.

"I don't know Laksh! But since I have met Swara, I don't know why, everything seems good, very good." Sanskar said while remembering her face, "when she smiles na, my heart skips a beat. This is happening for the first time."

"Bhaiya! Just make sure that it is not just your another attraction. Because Swara is not a girl of Page 3 culture. For her, this thing matters a lot." Laksh said. But his voice was deepened as if he wanted to say a lot.

"Yes she is different. I know. But why do I think that you know something?" Sanskar asked.

"Bhaiya! I told you na, we were in same college. She was my junior..." Laksh had just started when doorbell rang.

"It seems Swara has come. Just tell me Laksh, she is the right girl na?" Sanskar asked him.

Laksh smiled and nodded, "just make sure that she is single too."

Sanskar opened the door. Swara looked at him and turned around, "mr. Maheshwari! What is this?"

Sanskar looked at himself and realised that he had forgotten to wear shirt. He covered his body with his hands and ran towards his room.

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