Chap 4

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Swara sat in her cabin looking at the appointment list she was holding in her hand. She was trying to adjust Sanskar's name amidst all these. But it was almost impossible to include as the list was full. She could not eliminate or refer any patient to other doctors as they all were high risk cases. But she could not deny sanskar too for the treatment. The one who tried to commit suicide twice, the one who accepted his unwellness himself and the one who genuinely wanted to get good, how could she deny him!

Swara took her cellphone and dialed Sanskar's number. As if he was waiting for this call only, he picked up the phone just with one ring.

"Hello! Mr. Maheshwari?"
"Dr. Bose! So when is my appointment?"

Sanskar's voice was sounding quite dull. This was common for depression patients, sudden bouts of crying followed by deep sadness without any particular reason. Swara was accustomed to all these things as she had dealt with lots of patients in her small career. But sanskar's sadness made Swara uncomfortable.

"Mr. Maheshwari! Woh I was saying that my appointment list is completely full. I am not able to accomodate you. So.."

Before Swara could complete, sanskar spoke, " no issues doctor. I know those people need your help too. They won't feel good if you deny them. It's ok. I will try to find another way."

Hopelessness was filled in his each and every word. For a moment, swara was amazed to see the level of understanding Sanskar had despite being in the state of deep depression.

"Are are... listen to me Mr. Maheshwari. I am not denying you for the treatment. Actually I was asking for a place where noone can disturb us. Because this clinic closes at 7 p.m. sharp and after that we will not be able to sit here na." Swara replied.

"Means you are ready for my treatment!!" Swara felt an amazing energy in Sanskar's voice.
"Yes! Yes of course I am!" Swara replied.

At sharp 7 p.m., swara was packing her essentials that were needed. Afterall, she was going to Sanskar's house. Out of all the places in Mumbai, the only place where Sanskar would lie down and tell everything without hesitation was obviously his apartment. At any other place, people will jump towards him for his autograph or selfie. And Sanskar, always cared for his fans. He never wanted to hurt their emotions.

She drove to his apartment and reached there at 7:15. She had already told her mom everything as usual.
"If someone is trusting you so much, someone is apologizing for what he is feeling, someone is looking at you not as just a doctor but a person with feelings, then don't break his hope." These were the words of her mom.

She pressed the doorbell and within a fraction of time, a middle aged lady opened the door.
"Yes?" She questioned.
"Swara, Dr. Swara Bose." Swara replied.

Suddenly a voice roamed, "kaki, let her be inside. I have called her." Sanskar came from behind in his blue polo tshirt and white track pants. His hair were unkempt and his beard was overgrown.

Swara came inside when kaki locked the door.
"Kaki you may leave now. Your children might be alone." Sanskar's humbleness was visible in his voice.
"Ok saab." Saying so she left the apartment leaving swara and sanskar behind.

"Don't worry. I know you may not feel comfortable being alone with a stranger. Laksh is here too, and his gf Ragini too. So be comfortable." Sanskar gave her an assuring look.

Swara was touched by this gesture. Sanskar had immediately became a man of high morals in front of her.

Swara's deep thinking was distracted by clicking of a door. Laksh emerged out with ragini behind her. Swara took a look at Ragini who was dressed in a casual jeans and a t shirt. She was looking graceful.

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