Chap 29

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Sanskar's eyes opened up with a blinding light. He felt as if someone was calling his name. He tried to look here and there but couldn't find anyone. He looked at the place. It was very different. There were flowers every where. Cool breeze was blowing which was relaxing him.

"Sanskar!" Someone tapped his shoulder. He turned all of a sudden just to find a middle aged person smiling at him.

"Who are you?" Sanskar asked.

"Haven't you seen me in photos with Shona?" Man said while smiling at him.

Sanskar suddenly realised, "Shekhar uncle?"

Man was Shekhar.

"Uncle! But you...! " Sanskar tried to say something.

"Yes! I am not physically with Swara! But I am always with her." Shekhar smiled looking at Sanskar, "And yes! It was me who broke your sleep that night so that you can save my shona!"

Shekhar held Sanskar's hand and took him to a place. There was a bed of flowers over which, dressed in a beautiful gown, Swara was sleeping peacefully.

Shekhar bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for giving her the love she always deserved. But beta, be patient with her." Shekhar said while taking out something from his pocket.

It was a heart, which was damaged badly.

"It is shona's heart. Damaged very badly by some people. Though she never shows, but she feels a lot of pain sometimes. She masks everything by her concepts of psychiatry, but after all, she is a human first." Shekhar said while putting the heart back.

"Is my love not enough?" Sanskar asked.

"It is more than enough. Just make sure that with this love, you never forget that her heart is still wounded. And wounds take time to heal. Who knows it better than you!" Shekhar said while patting his shoulder.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Sanskar asked.

"Not completely but partially. You scolded her for her impulsive decision, very nice. She needed that. But in these days, have you ever thought why, the most understanding girl, reacted this way?" Shekhar asked.

Sanskar got into a dilemma.

Shekhar took him to a tree. Many fruits were hanging on it.

"When we throw stones on tree, it gives us fruits. But that doesn't mean that stones don't wound it. Same is with Swara. She is wounded but she never cares for her own wounds. She always loves to look for other's pain and try every possible way to take it away." Shekhar said.

"But why didn't she tell me this?" Sanskar asked.

"Because she herself don't know how much wounds she have suffered. Empathy is very bad thing sometimes. She always put herself in others place and try to understand why they reacted in such a way. But in this process, she had badly wounded herself." Shekhar explained.

"What should I do?" Sanskar asked.

"Love her! It will heal everything. I don't think my shona will react in such a way ever again. But if she doesn't react, that does not mean that she is not wounded." Shekhar said with a smile.

"I ll do this." Sanskar said firmly.

"Good! Now I have to go. But I am always there for you both." Shekhar said as he vanished in thin air.

Sanskar's eyes opened up with a jolt. He looked around. There were no flowers. No one was there except his Swara who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

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