Chap 31

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Sanskar was sleeping peacefully when opening of gate disturbed his sleep. In his sleep, he saw Swara entering his room. He got to know that it was around 5 in evening. That was the usual time of her coming to him.

Sanskar closed his eyes once again. He pretended to be asleep. He knew that he would get more love from her when he is asleep.

How right he was! As soon as she put the bouquet of flowers on the table, she leaned in to kiss his forehead. Sanskar always felt the purest love is shown when someone is asleep.

Swara sat near him on the stool and caressed his hair lightly.

"Please get well soon!" Words escaped from her lips.

Sanskar knew this was the time when he had to pretend to awaken. He opened his eyes just to see Swara playing with his fingers.

"You woken up!" Swara smiled at him, "How are you feeling today?"

Sanskar nodded and smiled at her.

"Done with patients today?" Sanskar asked.

"Yupp! Now I have to look after my biggest patient." Swara said and pulled his cheek.

"I am not a patient." Sanskar tried to show his anger.

"Yes you are! Acha tell me, do you have affinity for hospitals. Like you see na, first that fall from 16th floor, then alcohol reaction and then this!" Swara started to speak and Sanskar started to listen. This was the regular routine of them.

"Means see, I have never seen you getting little cough or cold or malaria. But when you get sick, you love to land directly to ICU!" Swara was speaking continuously.

"Don't you get tired by speaking so much?" Sanskar pulled her hand and made her lean onto him.

"You get tired of listening to me! Haww!" Swara punched on his chest.

Ouchh! Sanskar cried in pain. She had exactly hit him on his wound.

"Oh god! I am so sorry. Sachhi!" Swara hit her head with her hand. She then tried to massage his chest with her hand.

"Swara! Are you specialised in martial arts? You look so thin but your hand, oh my god!" Sanskar was holding his chest with his hand.

Swara bit her nails and looked at Sanskar, " Is it hurting much? Should I call doctors?"

"You yourself are a doctor. At least have a look!" Sanskar said.

"Oh haa! I forgot that!" Swara again hit her hand on her forehead, "Where is it paining, show me?"

Sanskar put his hand on his chest, "Here!" But to Swara's amazement, Sanskar held her hand sensuously. He grabbed her fingers and put them on his lips, "Here!"

Swara snatched her hand back, "Sanskar! Besharam!"

Sanskar giggled a little. He looked at Swara blushing harder.

"Conditions made me so helpless." Sanskar was still staring at her with his intense gaze, "Your beauty gets increased thousand times when you blush. But see, I am not in a condition to give justice to this beauty."

Swara's breath got shallow by hearing his words. His look was enough to get her weak on her knees.

"Sanskar! We are in hospital!" Swara said.

"15 days! Before that for 15 days I was angry! Means it's more than a month since......" Sanskar said and winked at her.

Swara's eyes got widened by his words. She stood up and closed his mouth with her hands. But to her surprise, Sanskar kissed her on her hands.

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