Chap 3

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Her words created a magic in Sanskar's heart. He stared blinklessly at her in silence. Her innocent big eyes were pirecing Sanskar's soul with selflessness.

Sanskar again felt as if something heavy is being placed on his chest. He tried to breathe hard keeping his hand on his chest.
"Take this" swara was standing with a glass of water.
He just stared at her. His mind was not processing itself. He couldn't understand what to do.

"Take this! You will feel good. Trust me!" And sanskar did really trust her and tried to gulp it down in one go.
"No! No! Not like this." Swara held his hand. Sanskar felt a warmth running down his spine due to her touch.

"Sip. Take one sip at a time. Feel it washing all your worry, sadness." Swara smiled at him. He obeyed like a kid and really, he did feel good.

"Thank you!" Sanskar smiled at her. Swara smiled back.
"I am a stranger to you dr. Swara. Why are you doing this?" Sanskar asked innocently.
"So do you think I can sleep peacefully at night even after knowing that I could have helped someone but I left him alone with his miseries!" Swara was staring directly in his eyes.

She took her phone and made a phone call. It was to Dr. Laksh. After updating him about everything, she sat down on couch and looked at sanskar sitting on the bean bag.
"Mr. Maheshwari! I know I don't have the right to say anything, but please remember, suicide is never an option." Swara was concerned for him.

"You can never know Dr. Swara. You have never felt how being unloved feels!" Sanskar replied staring at the ceiling.
"It's all in the way we want to look at." Swara smiled.
"Oh really! These are all foolish things. I don't believe." Sanskar snapped.

"People don't believe. But it's your believe only which will make things possible." Swara was smiling again.
"Why do you smile so much everytime?" Sanskar was visibly irritated.
"Because i am snapped like this everytime by patients. I know what they are going through. Therefore I don't mind." Swara was smiling again.

For the very first time, sanskar noted her skin. It was glowing. Her hair , waist long, were neatly pleated and kept on one shoulder. Her loveable lips were smiling.

"I am sorry for the morning Dr. Swara." Sanskar bowed his head down in shame.
"Sorry for what. Don't be sorry for what you feel. Are you ever sorry for having cold, malaria or heart attack. Imagine a patient comes to you, and says, i am sorry dr, i have a heart attack! Have you ever heard?" Swara said it in one go.

"I have never heard. But why a patient with heart attack come to me? I am not a doctor!" Saying so sanskar burst into laughter. He laughed after a long time. With his laugh, swara too started laughing. Both were laughing hard.

Sanskar laughed till he felt tears of joy in his eyes. He looked at swara and smiled.
"I have laughed after a long time you know!" Sanskar said.
"I can understand! Mr. Maheshwari, i am not asking you to take my help. But take help of someone." A doctor's concern was visible in her voice.

Sanskar did not say anything. All he knew was a feel. As if his heart is asking to trust her but his mind betrayed him.
"I don't need a psychiatrist. I am not mad." He snapped back but Swara was still smiling. How on earth could she smile even after getting snapped back again and again!

"Oh! So a famous personality like you too, have the thoughts of common man right." She stood up and went towards balcony. "This city, Mumbai. People are in a race here. They have money, power, lavish life, but not happiness. Why? Because they don't have mental peace." She looked at sanskar and stared deep into his eyes.  "In earlier times, whenever people felt not good mentally, they went to their elders who guided them. But today those elders too, are in a dillemma. Then whom to seek help?"

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