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A/N: This fanfic was inspired by a villain deku animatic series by Calladraws!

"So what's your name?" I am terrible at decision making. "Shokai Tsunaka. What's yours?" My life used to be shits and rainbows, but sadly reality is cruel.
When we were 5
I bugged my parents enough to take me to the park, finally. I just moved to Japan and I couldn't wait for mama and papa to finish unpacking. They wouldn't let me on the iPad because I dropped it on the kitchen floor, but it didn't break. "We'll let you play for an hour, okay?" "Okay, mama!" I run up to a swing, next to a boy. He seemed sad. "Are you okay?" He glanced at me for a split second, but I could see hope in his eyes. He slowly nodded. "I just moved here actually! It's really cool here!" Then the hope faded from his eyes. Another boy came, but he looked at the boy I was with and scoffed. What was his problem?

My eyes followed the other boy's form. Then I looked back at the boy I was talking to before. "What are you sad about? Was it that boy?" I try to get him to speak. He glanced at me again then looked away. I got off the swing and got in front of the boy. He looked at me instead of just glancing this time. I gave him a heart felt smile. "Your eyes remind me of emeralds. You know, from Minecraft?" He tilted his head as if........wait a minute. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT MINECRAFT IS!" He jumped at my sudden outburst. " Oh! Sorry if I got too loud! It's just that it's my favorite game!" I didn't want to scare the poor boy away. "It's fine really." He said quietly. "Oh my jeez, you talked!" My eyes sparkled. I finally got him to speak! "I have an idea. How about we be friends, then you come to my house and I teach you what Minecraft is." He smiled, and it was so cute. I put my hands on his cheaks. We stayed like that for a couple seconds then I started squishing his cheaks together. "So what's your name?" I smiled even brighter. "Shokai Tsunaka. What's yours?" "Izuku Midoriya."


So you're quirkless?" I look at him, confused. He nods. "Well, I'm basically quirkless so I guess we're the same." I smile. His eyes shone hope and happiness at that moment. "What is your quirk?"

When we were 7
"That's awesome, Shokai! I didn't know you could do that with your quirk!" He was so happy for me. "I didn't know either! But...." " THAT WAS AWESOME!" We both were amazed when a new side of my quirk was reveild. "Do it again!" He jumped around on my bed. "Of course." So I showed him my quirk again. "Hey Shokai." I looked at him and his head was down. " Is something wrong?" I felt conserned. "Even without a quirk, do you think I can still become a hero?" He looked scared, yet hopefulness still rested in his eyes. "Of course you can! We'll both become heroes, together." I smile as bright as the sun. "Promise?" He looks in my eyes. "Pinky promise." I say as I stick out my pinky finger. Then our pinkies interlock and we just smile at each other.

When we were 10
"Why are you so annoying, Bakugo! Leave him alone!" I felt enraged at the sight I saw. Izuku was balled up next to a corner while Bakugo and his friends kicked him around. "What are you gonna do about it?" He had his stupid smirk on his face. I put my fists up as if I was gonna fight. He let sparks come from his hands. Bakugo then started walking towards me. I clenched my jaw. This is gonna hurt.

When we were 11
"I think Eren's in the right because for that hundred years of the walls being up, people were still dying. Mostly the scouts, but they deserve what their getting." I rant about Attack on Titan. "I agree, kinda, but Zofia was one of my favorites." He pouted. I chuckled. "You know something." I look at him with a sly smirk. "Um....what is it." Izuku clearly hesitated. "I ship Zofia and Marco because they'd be each other's other half." I laugh so hard at that joke. Izuku soon joined in. Soon after our conversation about Attack on Titan, we reached Izuku's apartment building. "I trust you'll get home safely, commander, Izuku." I say that all the time. "Of course, commander Shokai." He the Attack on Titan soluted. So I did it back. Then he left.

Sortly after I dropped him off I got home. It was quiet, like really quiet. I put the key in the doorknob and unlocked the door. "I'm ba-" I froze for a second. My body started shaking uncontrollable. There was blood everywhere. I took brief steps to my parents room. "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU!" I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I broke the door open, only to be meant with a corpse on the floor. I walked closer to it and saw familiar brown hair. " MAMA!" I started shaking the body so fast. Warm tear flooded my eyes. I started looking around frantically. Eventually, I owned up to her death and just cried over her body. Then realization came to me. "PAPA!" I then started running around every room in the house. Then I reached my room.

I busted that door open too. My eyes widened. My breathing was uneven as I stared at what was on my bed. I dropped to my knees. "papa? PAPA NO!" His head layed on my bed, disconnected from his body. I fainted due to such gore.

"She doesn't seem to have any injuries." I heard voices as my eyes began to open. "She's awake!" I was meant with a hug. "Izuku?" My eyes were so blury. All I could see was his bushy green hair. He snift as if he was crying. "I'm so glad you're okay! You could have died!" Once he said the word 'died' it all came back to me. I snapped my head to the doctor that was near. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!" Izuku let go of me and jumped back. "I assume you're talking about your parents?" I nodded. When I nodded Izuku and Mrs. Midoriya's head fell. "I'm sorry, but they've passed." He said. "What?" I was in denile. My parents are strong. That scene must have been from my imagination, it's not real. "Your lying to me. Where are they?" The doctor looked away. "I'm really sorry. Your mother was far to wounded and your father was a lost cause." I could see regret in his eyes. My eyes started to get even more blurry, My breathing became uneven again, and flashbacks of the scene played on loop in my head. I covered my mouth, hoping nothing came out, but ultimately everything came out, loud and clear. Izuku gave me another hug and started rubbing my back. My cries only got louder.

When we were 13
I was given an apartment building the one right next to Izuku's actually. I never forgot about the day my parents died. I always think about it and I hate it. I wish I could just forget. Also, lately Izuku's been acting different. Like he barely bats an eye on me. I desided to ask him about it today.

"Hey, Izuku?" I say his name. He hums in response. "Why are you acting differently lately? Did I do something wrong?" I ask. "Shut up." He says. I got mad. "That doesn't answer my question. What did I do?!" I rose my voice. He glared at me. I've never seen this part of Izuku. I mean, he's usually and sweet bean, but I must've done something, but he won't tell me! I wanna fix what I did. "I'll fix what ever I did, just please tell me what I did." I begged. "Okay. Then fix your exsistance. You also should change your dream too. You could never become a hero." What? I stopped in my tracts, but he continued walking. I felt so betrayed. Aren't we supposed to become heroes together? "Fix your exsistance." I thought of his words and right after he said that, I started having these thoughts. Like if I were to try and cook for myself my thoughts would say 'stab yourself no one will miss you'. I would always question my exsistance.

Now I am 14
I'm done. I've tried so hard to maintain sanity, but, I've lost everyone I loved and now I have no worth. What a nice day. The sun is out, there's no clouds, and the breeze feels good. Similar to the day we first meant. Right, Izuku? The drop looks about, maybe, more then one hundred feet. It does have twenty floors. I never felt so happy that in this moment, it is all gonna end. I'll see my parents again, maybe make more friends too. I'll be happier. I step towards the edge of the building with a smile evident on my face. Finally, I'm free to fly. I stopped as my feet reached the edge of the building. I looked off to the distance. Finally I started tilting my body forward and soon enough, I was heading straight for the ground. The wind felt great as it rush off my body. "It's fine, no one will cry over you." My mind kept saying that over and over again. Yet I didn't mind, it was right. Who knew my last seconds on earth would be so peaceful. It was so quiet and the atmosphere was calm. It was nice. As the ground started closing in I opened my mouth. "I love you, Izuku." Then it was dark.

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